Vat taxes in latest version 
Autor: Andre EHello Incomedia,
From this post Joris mentiones that there are several differances with old version in the shop concerning VAT.
1. if you have setup the shop (all your articles) without taxes, then it is not possible anymore to show them on your website with tax info (previous version this was possible!
2. In the export of your articles teher is also no VAT colum anymore, in the previous version it was with a vat colum
If you make a lot of groupes it is very hard to understand if you set the groups to your articlles to determine what group was set up for what country or taxes. Maybe let user determen the name of the groups as well?
PLease correct at least step 1 else all customers that have shop set up without taxes need to convert all prizes and is way better compatible with previous version.
Maybe disable possibility to choose same country twice in the group's because that serverses IMHO only confusion.
To put it simply for B2C: It is mandatory to display the price with VAT included.
This is forbidden:
Until version 21.4.7 it worked correctly:
The problem in red:
Is incomedia aware of this error? Are they working on the button "display price including maximum possible VAT"?
I will ask Incomedia to respond Joris, hold on....
Hello Joris
Thank you for your feedback
I would like to understand the issue better.
If you configure the VAT to be excluded, the software will assume that the price of the product is without VAT:
However it will mention how much the excluded VAT is a checkout time:
If you configure the VAT as included, it will assume the VAT cost is included:
And the summary will be slightly different because the VAT will be calculated based on the cost of the Product instead of adding a VAT later
What part of this is incorrect?
If you need to show the VAT at all times, why not use the Included VAT option?
Please keep me posted on this here
Thank you
Hello Stefano, sorry for late response.
The facts as we see them:
1) Productprices we place in the software are always excluded VAT. Is that wright?
(This beacause the possibillity of different VAT percentages)
2) In whole European Union it is mandatory to display the retail price with VAT included.
3) Before the update the displayed price was this:
The example price in the software is 1340,00 EXcluded 21% VAT
The price was displayed correctely:
4) After the update The price in the software is still 1340,00 EXcluded 21% VAT
But now the displayed price is this:
<----- this is forbidden in EU.
The displayed price in the product showcase should always including VAT.
We need the possibibllity to display the price including VAT.
Wanted feature in green:
With the latest update it is only legal to sell to a business. End user should always first get the price included VAT.
The entire ecommerce method in X5 Pro needs redoing - it needs an extensive product table that can be imported/exported at will to make whatever modifications we need to pricing, weight, packaging size, vat juristriction, vat rates, etc. If you are selling some Tshirts and candles then ok, it works, but for a serious ecommerce site it is way behind the times. So good in so many area, make it better for ecommerce too.....
Hello Joris
Thank you for your clarification
I understand what you mean by your proposal. However, I've tested with an older version, namely v2020.2 and the situation seems the exact same.
I do not understand on what version are you indicating that this worked differently. This is v2020.2
And this is 2022.1:
The slight difference in amount is due to a different VAT set
On what version was this different?
I remain available here
Thank you
Hello Stefano, it is until version 2021.4.7
(I still have the newest version also installed but working with version 2021.4.7)
Your sample of $10,00 and 20%VAT gives different shocase price, until 2021.4.7
All versions I had till 2021.4.7 gave the price "12,00 $ (VAT incl.)"
My settings:
As you can see on my website in the product showcase diplayed, it is as it shoud with VAT included.
When importing in a newer X5 version, the price in the product showcase is displayed VAT excluded.
Hello Joris
Thank you for clarifying the issue further for me. It is now clear
I've notified this to the developers so that they might look into the issue and advise how to proceed with the matter
I will keep you posted here as soon as news becomes available
Thank you for your patience
Good afternoon Joris
I've verified the situation with the developers
I can confirm that this change was intentional and for the following reason.
According to European Laws, it is not mandatory to display the price with VAT already applied. It is only mandatory that you specify whether the VAT is included in the price or not.
Starting with this, it is absolutely correct to display the price the way it's being displayed now especially considering that the VAT can change during checkout according to the country where the customer is from. This way, he can't risk seeing a VAT which isn't the correct one for him
Additionally, before this change, the price without VAT would have appeared anyway both in the Product Sheet and the Popup you get when putting a product in the cart. The Product Catalog Object and Search Page were the only exception and for this reason, it was decided to remove the option.
To conclude, the way the price is presented now is fine with the Law for both B2B and B2C as long as VAT excluded is written. Plus, it allows for less confusion in case you configured multiple VATs for different countries and the customer will only see the correct one when finalizing the purchase
I remain available here
Good evening Stefano, I have asked my accountants, -partners of BDO-, for their advise and they tell me:
In Belgium and The Netherlands it is still manadatory for B2C to advertise VAT included in the showcase or advertisement.
Even if they would be wrong, I see no trustworthy labeled .nl or .be B2C webshop that advertises the prices without VAT.
Our B2C webshop is only for Belgium and The Netherlands.
We have the luck to have the same VAT percentage as in The Netherlands for most products. (21%)
Could the developers make again the possibility in the software, to ad the choosen VAT in the showcase? so it displays the price incl. VAT?
I could skip some releasese until it is solved in an update.
Or, if this possibility wont come again:
Is it then better to add the VAT beforehand and in the software and set it as "no vat"? Then all the prices would be including VAT. In some sporadic cases of 0% VAT for international B2B sales the sale could happen maually by e-mail. Or will there later be other problems in the webshop when counting this way?
Hello Joris
I understand your specific case and I've notified the developers.
However, I am really afraid that such an option will not be making a comeback in the software any time soon if at all. I'm sorry about this.
I would definitely advise setting the shop to display VAT included at all times and eventually proceed as you mentioned for B2C clients. You could have some text to your website to mention contacting you directly for specific cases
I apologize for not being able to help further with this
I remain available here however should you have any other questions
Ciao, Stefano!
Is it possible to change the text (VAT "incl/excl"), because in my language it is not in the correct form.
Hello Gabriel,
Probably by here you can change localization messages
Need to be done at each software update, or if not, it is a new functionnality to preserve your settings
Salute, Axel!
Merci beaucoup pour votre répondez.
Now I will know, where to search, if I want to change some text.