Language transfer from PC to laptop 
Autor: Gorg ..
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How to transfer translated Serbian lng. into my laptop from PC !
I export my project who is in Serbian, but , when I open it in laptop, language is not there??
P.S I translate (add new language) into Language Content Menagement in my PC!
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Any !??
Hi Gorg,
you need to copy in the second pc the language file.
if you have Windows Vista/7 copy this file C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Local\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v9 - Evolution "languages.xml" in the same position in the second pc.
Is the same location in XP, becouse I must copy from XP to Win7!
Thanks Riccardo !!
Hi Gorg,
the location of user folder is different to xp from 7, (in xp is c:\documenti and setting..... in 7 is C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\...).
Sory, I cant find in XP that folder and .xml file ??! Can you give me the exact path to that file,
thanks allot !
Hi Gorg,
you can found the Incomedia folder at this path:
C:\Documents and Settings\YOURACCOUNTNAME\local setting\application Data\Incomedia
Thanks Riccardo, I find *finally*