Website X5 Pro 20 
Autor: Paul O.Hello,
I hope this email finds you well. I bought your software 2 weeks ago, and I'm still struggling to create a desired website. I am trying to be able to put a text onto an image as in the pictures below,
but unable to do so. The other issue is text seem too far away from the picture and finally to overlay the images seems difficult.I have attached these pictures for ease of reference. The pictures attached are done up with a different software, but I'd rather use yours if you can guide me in the right direction. You can see that in the last one, all the pictures are put together but in yours, I couldn't. The second one down, my text is too far from the photo. The first one, I could not put the text to photo.
Thank you in anticipation.
Paul Opiah
Hello Paul,
Let me first help you through the help files in x5, i am not sure how many you know, so if you already knew then skip the tip.
First of all you can use F1 almost everywhere to get help.
There are also a lot of guides and helpfull topics in the guide also found in the footer of the helpdesk.
For the pictures there are several objects, also some free or paid one's that might suit you better. Check out top right button manage in step 4 and refresh the next screen.
Find object that are most usefull for you.
The animated image would be nice i think, but this one is paid.
Also you could try the gallery objectt (also for 1 picture) there are more options there but text will be set below the picture.
if you set several objects next to each other you have a standard size between them, you can correct that for every object seperatly, click the object in step4 and use the margins button on top.
So, are you saying it is not possible to merge two photos together, and it is not possible to set text on a photo?
Merging together yes, no problem, set several pictures objects next to eachother and set all margins to zero.
use the text object there you can add pictures also but it does not work as easy as with several picture objects.
You could also use the text object, set there the text you want to show, then set like below in picture example (with the style button) in the TAB Style a picture in the background.
This is maybe the best way to achieve what you like.
Text in a picture can be done, you need animated image object or hover image or hover button Or write the text with a picture editor like irfanview for instance or:
Use a picture object, after setting a picture, select the picture in step 4 on the page overview, then use style button on top
But it will be below the picture not in.
You can also set a mouse over effect on almost all objects that creates a pop up with or without link (use the link option on the picture or text then set text in the TAB tooltip.
Is it possible to work offline? The software did mention that but again, I can't get that done.
Hello Paul,
x5 works only offline, after changes you need to upload, then the website is online.
The program stay's offline on your pc, you can do a preview, this is also offline in most cases.
In the pro version you can simulate a sort of online in the preview itself, but again it is not a fully online preview as well.
I was just wondering where the photos in the x5 folder go to because when I copied and pasted the file path into file explorer, it said that the file does not exist.
Paul, to add to Andre's tuition, you could also use row formats to place an image, slideshow or movie behind your text, buttons, etc.
In this example each of the text or graphic items can be made clickable, I could easily imagine making something very similar to your 1st example. (based on the free template provided with WX5 "schoolbites" under Community and Education)
Also, the testimonial (not free) can produce something almost identical to your second example (although this can also be achieved using basic WX5 layout and margin control as indicated by Andre)
As for where do files (photos) go, whilst you are working in WX5 the photos are embedded in a single XML file which is your project. Unlike other packages the photos are not moved to various containers and folders. When you generate or preview your website these files are placed in appropriate folders for WX5 to access (you can export to disk (step 5) to see the file structure as on the published site). WX5 takes care of filing and storage, eg you cannot simply add to a slide show by simply pasting extra images into the folder.
As a general safeguard, please use step 5, export project after every major editing session. You can rename the iwzip file (add date?) at time of creation (I have found including backups and preview unnecessary). This iwzip file will contain every resource required to recreate/import your project (including all dependencies) back onto your PC or any other PC for that matter.
Apologies for intruding. . . .
Thank you for that, but I'm still struggling. I tried to include videos from my computer but to no avail. It leaves me no option to include my video. I'm trying to build my own television channel and I'm getting frustrated as the website advertised “Easy as 12345" but is not so. Take a look at this!
Paul, I am not sure if WX5 is the correct platform to build a multi-media platform on :-(
If you get this message (this video can't be played in this browser) when you run preview, select one of your browsers
Choose your format wisely, mp4 seems to work for me. And be aware that large files can cause WX5 to choke when you select a local video. I have always had most success by uploading the video/s to youtube and then using a link.