Shopping card / customer details
Autor: X5 Croatia
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Please enable date entry in the module shopping card> customer details> custom ... I need it for a tourist reservation script ... It would be good to integrate some calendar in X5 (free / occupied rooms) Reservio and Bookeo do not meet in the tourism segment ... Thank you.
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PHP jabber and need to integrate their script into an iframe with HTML object.
look at here: or other script from them.
Or LuxCal -
It is very functional yet free.
A room or a cottage can be set as a category. Each category can have up to 12 subcategories.
A subcategory could be:
Booking pending
Booking confirmed
Each day-cell for the item can take the subcategorys color.
For each catagory can be set priviliges.
For each catagory can be made a link. The link will be visible and clickable in Matrix-view.
In Matrix view each category/item will be shown on one line, and the days can be scrolled horisontally.
There is a lot of options for the booking - but no booking payment facilities.
Hey guys we work on X5, this is X5 forum... I like to have a one piece of top software in one place... This is an great chance and boost for X5 programmers and company owners to have a free debugger and tester... I will continue to work in X5 and parallel try to build wordpress portal because of lacking function, anministration for our clients...
yes - I think we know it is a X5 forum.
But if you look in the posts you will find that over half of the posts is "solved" with either using special code or 3. part software.
If you don't want to use either of this, then you will have a hard time. You have been on this forum long enough to know that.
X5 has some few additional objects that is completely X5 - and then some objects that is 3. part.
WordPress has many thousand of extensions - so I can guess which way the wind blows for you.
John S. Agree...
I confirm I have reported your Idea.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Thank you, i think this is no problem for the X5 IT team :)