Website project 
Autor: szymon jablonski
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Hi All,
I have bought and created two website projects, which I am not able to update anymore for unknown reasons, as they have disappeared from the list of existing projects.
Please specify and advise on how to continue to work on my websites.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
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Find the projects on your harddrive.
normaly they are here:
C:\Users\your_name\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 - Evolution\
there should maps with projects there.
open x5, left below you will find preferences, set the default folder to the correct folder that should look like my example. In the example folder you will see folders with names from your project(s)
that's should do the trick.
Hi Andre,
As per advise of your colleague I have checked in the folder:'WebSite X5 - Evo', it is empty.I have also checked in the subfolder called 'WebSite X5 v12 - Evolution' which is also empty.Problems started when the program updated itself(!) without asking to the newer version.How can I get my projects back?
Kind regards,Yana
Hi Szymon,
If Version 12 is the only one you are using, there would be no updates available for it, as it is several years old now. The only way to get a newer version would be to buy it from Incomedia and you would certainly have to give your credit card details for that! Can you confirm that v12 is what you have been using? The latest version (v2022.1 maybe, unless there is a newewr one out) won't even be able to open a v12 project.
Version 12 files are stored as .iwprj files, so use the search function in Windows to look for files with that extension. If you find them, then you can use the "preferences" setting to point X5 to their location and everything should work again.
Kupione wzorce znajdziesz przy otwieraniu projektu w licencjonowane (nawet jeśli w danej wersji już tego wzroca nie ma). Ewentualnie domagaj się od incomedia przesłania do zakupionych projektów ich wersji iwzip - to ich obowiązek.
Hi All, I was using version 12, published in 2015. Then it's switched to X5 evo 2019.3.17. I paid only once.
So if a new version can't open my old project and I did not ask to install the new version and certainly have not deleted my own projects, what do I do now? The only *.iwprj2 files I found on the hard drive are files from the old version and there are not project I have lost. I also bought a template from you and it's also gone. Print screen might be helpful:attached. Thank you.
If you have already found the .iwzip files, what you should do is download version 12 of the program, it should be in your profile in my downloads.
You install the program and open your projects. you will have to copy and paste into an empty project in the latest version of websitex5.
That is, you will have to have version 12 and the most current installed. Since I understand that you cannot convert it because they are very distant versions.
It's cumbersome to copy and paste but it's a way to update your projects.
Your screenshot poses more questions than it answers. It shows Version 2018.3.17 (Evo) and appears to be saying that it is ready to import the Version 12 project. Did you try this?
That "new" version of Evo is still a couple of years old - definitely NOT the newest version. It makes no sense that suddenly your 2015 version "updates" itself to what is still an old version without your asking for this....and not paying for any upgrade. Your user name has the tags X5 Pro v 2021.1. Do you also own this version?
I am confused by these inconsistencies but have you tried to do what Miguel suggests and re-download Version 12 from your profile here on X5 help Center and then try opening your project again from this?
Correction: your screen shot shows Version 2019.3.17.