Ad hoc content upload (change existing content) by client 
Autor: Spring Produktiesfor a client we want to make a website, fully designed by us and hosted by us
but once the website is up and running, the client should be able to change ad hoc some content with an easy upload method
are there components available (and if yes, which ?) within WEBSITE X PRO (we have latest version) that allows us to make such a site with dynamic content ?
to give an example of what we mean : with WEBSITE X5 PRO we make a website with the football results and ranking and some pictures and videos of last weeks games. After launch, we keep on managing and hosting the site, but... the end user will every week update the results of the games of that week, will update the ranking and add some new pictures with subtitles and maybe new video's
best regards,
Spring Produkties
For text (document) and results (spreadsheet) I recommend the Google Docs.
This is very easy to use. The code for integrating a doc or a sheet is given by Google. The code is just to copy and paste into a html-object in X5.
For the images there is the photos - also Google.
There are also alternatives to google, but I know Googles documents and images is easy to use. For the images you could use links.
I will n ot recommend the X5 dynamic content. Unless there has been made big improvements in the last 2 years. But I doubt that, as it has not been advertised.
Thanks John for the very useful help.
Some years ago we experimented with X5 Dynamic content but we gave it up after some time...
So we will definitely try the way you suggest.
best regards,
Spring Produkties