Download button in combination with filling out an Email address 
Autor: Rene K.
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Hi there,
In my website I offer the visitors the download an pdf info-file for a specific product. But I never know who downloaded it, who is showing interest for it. Could there be the option for the download button that the visitor first has to fill out his email address before he can download the file. It makes it possible for me to use direct marketing. Or do you know perhaps a work-around.
with kind regards
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You could:
Make a protected page.
On that page you have downloads for different products.
One product on a line/row. Make an anchor for the row.
At the product you make a link to the corresponding product-pdf-row.
Then the user can see the product without being logged in - and he can see that there is a PDF for the product.
If he want to see/download the PDF then he has to be logged in.
Youn could maybe make it possible for the user to self-regist. You will then have the users mail - but you will not be able to know which PDF he downloaded unless you make some special code.
Thanks John for your input! Have been trying your suggestion but it is a bit too much the whole login/registration process... I want to keep it simple.
A newsletter would be ideal for direct marketing.
>> (German website)
Create a form with just an email field
And into the sending properties of the page, configures the next page for a downloading page where the download button will be active (to avoid a direct access to this new page, protects this one)
You could then maybe:
Make a contact-form
In the confirmation-mail that is sent to the user, you specify a number of links - each link is to a PDF file.
If you have many PDF's you could have more contact forms. Maybe a form for a group of PDF's.
The links should be made as html-links in the text.
This way there is no logging in for the user, and if the contact-forms is grouped you can see which group of PDF's the user is interested in.
This solution is fully automatic. The confirmation-message with the links is sent automatically, and the user will get no PDF's unless he/she gives in a correct e-mail address.
My suggestion is slightly different from Axel's. I think we were writing at the same time and I was the last one to press SEND.
Hope you have something to function
In any solution you cannot said that the email addresse is correct. About the syntax Yes, but about the real address not. Nobody can...
so *** to downlaod the file is OK and also *** also...
but it is not the subject here, because email verification is not possible with not email sending confirmation to the email address origin and just verification can be done by the syntax of the email structure.... But the email could not real.
The well-known newsletter providers would be ideal, because you get e-mail addresses that are confirmed by a click of the interested party.
Everything else is an amateurish attempt to get email addresses for direct marketing.
Thanks everybody for your help!!
The method by creating a contactform with just an email field and in the autoresponder page the download button is for me the solution.