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Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Email not working on contact forms  en

Autor: Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
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OK Elisa,

Email not working on contact forms

As a work around, change the " SEND to Email to be a different email outside the sites DOMAIN name, like a Gmail account or something. At least you can get your clients requests. We have 20 sites we manage so this work around will be a beating. You will have to notify every client you build and host for this issue, as you will need to have them provide an alternate email which they can check.

When programing a "Contact Us Page" / "Contact Form" >Send>User e-mail address.

If the DOMAIN is ""

From: Support @ set to send to Support @ ( This fails )

From: Support @ set to send to greg @ ( This fails )

From: Support @ set to send to judy @ ( This works ) Work Around


OK, It looks like it is the PHP Mailers account at the provider level.

Go to Export Site>Parameters>E-mail tab

There you will see the default is "PHP Mailer (Recommended)

This is a great setting because most of the hosting providers do not offer POP3 email any longer. As well, Gmail, Yahoo and other providers discontinued the ability to set a Sender Email as POP3. We ran into this issue at customer sites where their Commercial Printer / Scanners ceased to scan and email documents. Exchange does not support this either. So it is great that Incomedia stepped up and found a provider to relay this on the back end.

  So, if you have the ability to set up a POP3 email which will allow this method, you can set it to Authenticated SMTP and then fill in the proper information. But as I said, not many hosting providers offerring that any more as we are.

  So, in detail, it looks like Incomedia derrived a relationship with a POP3 provider to send emails on behalf of the  X5 PHP Mailer. This account and credentials are embedded in the application itself for authentication to the provider provided account. This account relays the outbound email on your behalf using it's own credentials. As it states, this would be preferred and it is a great product, offerring and solution. However, it looks like the provider made a global SPAM Engine modification / setting / change which impacted the way their relationship is set up.

  Incomedia will need to contact them and communicate this with them. That light bulb should come on pretty quick once this is communicated with them, unless there was a major platform upgrade involved.

The integrated PHP Mailer is a great module and tool which eliminates the need to create multiple email accounts accross multiple sites you are maintaining.

I hope this made sense.

Also referrence

Please fix.

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Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

As an MSP and I.T. Services, and Network Engineering Company, we have the ability to host and run all the web sites as well as provide email services. Since Incomedia is an applications company these things would fall out of their wheelhouse. Because most of their clients would be design and platform users, PHP Mailer would help solve or bridge that leap of having to become a under hood web, email server expert. Because users want to get the product into action they may opt for Incomedia's hosting solution, which they have nurtured. Nothing wrong with that as we all use it slightly different. However, the PHP Mailer side of the engine is tied to something they have interaction with as a "CLIENT", most likely the same place they refer to.

For this, each user may find additional issues clouding things. Since we handle our own hosting, web and email is completely unaffected other than the PHP Mailer engine. We simply changed that to Authenticated Email which completely puts all email traffic on our servers. That is how we identified the PHP Mailer issue. But, it is not the application, it is the provider the PHP Mailer is pointed to.

This lies completely in their hands and we are just trying provide information they can use in an intelligent conversation with them. It looks like that provider has slightly bigger issues since I see some are stating they cannot send or recieve any emails above and beyond contact forms relating to the application. Just another peice of the puzzle.

The application is awsome and once the PHP Mailer / provider issue is resolved things will be better, hopefully for all.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.

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Publicado en de Aleksej H.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Thanks so much for your help Aleksej.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Elisa B.


Thank you very much for creating the new message.

I confirm this issue has already been reported, and we are currently at work to solve it in the shortest possible time. 

I will keep you posted. Thank you!

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Publicado en de Elisa B.
Elisa B.


I confirm the issue is now solved. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Publicado en de Elisa B.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Sorry to inform you, the issue is not resolved.

Contact forms using PHP Mailer still does not work when sending within the same domain.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Read carefully.

When programing a "Contact Us Page" / "Contact Form" >Send>User e-mail address.

If the DOMAIN is ""

From: Support @ set to send to Support @ ( This fails )

From: Support @ set to send to greg @ ( This fails )

The above are inter-domain traffic, which fails.

The below works, but based on past experience it should not as the PHP Mailer is only supposed to send inter-domain traffic.

From: Support @ set to send to judy @ ( This works ) Work Around

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Still waiting on the fix

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Elisa B.


I just noticed that you aren't using the included hosting, so your issue is completely different from the one reported by the other users, who were experiencing issues because of a temporary server problem. You aren't however on this server, that's why it's not solved in your case. 

What PHP version is currently active on your hosting? 

Have you tried changing script in the Test E-Mail section of your Control Panel? 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Publicado en de Elisa B.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Thanks Elisa,

  It has nothing to do with PHP versions. It is a SPAM rule in the relay email server Incomedia is using.

Read carefully.

When programing a "Contact Us Page" / "Contact Form" >Send>User e-mail address.

If the DOMAIN is ""

From: Support @ set to send to Support @ ( This fails )

From: Support @ set to send to greg @ ( This fails )

The above are inter-domain traffic, which fails.

The below works, but based on past experience it should not, as the PHP Mailer is only supposed to send inter-domain traffic.

From: Support @ set to send to judy @ ( This worksbut should not ) It is a Work Around

To sum this up, PHP Version does not care about where it sends from or to. Your PHP Mailer is looking at the FROM Field in the contact form and comparing to the actual DOMAIN. If they match, then it will allow the email, but if there is no match, it denies it with a message stating "The email domain does not match the web site domain".

  So, you figure out why you cannot set the email to send to and from the same domain, as you used to, and forced it to work that way and now you can only send email to a non-domain related email.

As far as hosting goes, Yahoo Domain Hosting is the largest and best, most versitile platform on the planet.

I have done the troublshooting and narrowed the location of the issue for you, but we can do it the hard way if you would rather.

So here we go,

  The ticket is, "Unable to use PHP Mailer to send email within the same DOMAIN".

  Figure that out.

PHP 8.2

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
A J.
A J.


I'm also having issues with emails not forwarding out from the web form on a website. This is a very serious matter. The hosting service I use says that the software used to build the site is not using the most current version of PHP so I'm screwed and the business the online store website is built for is losing a lot of money because they cant receive emails for goodness sakes. Please cordinate with immediately to see what the heck your problem is or something please!

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Publicado en de A J.
Elisa B.

Hi Mr. Doctor Dust Mite, 

have you by chance already contacted your provider? What did they tell you?

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Publicado en de Elisa B.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

You are the provider.

  The ticket is, "Unable to use PHP Mailer to send email within the same DOMAIN".

  Figure that out.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Elisa B.

Hi there!

Because you aren't using our Hosting service, we aren't the provider or either the webspace nor the domain/e-mails. You please need to contact your hosting provider, so to check whether they can detect any errors on their side. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Publicado en de Elisa B.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .


  It is your email provider which sends email on behalf of the PHP MAILER.

Two things here:

  1. I am notifying you of a problem YOU have.
  2. I am providing the troublshooting information and facts which point to your email relay account, used by the PHP MAILER.

I have already identified the where and why for you. I have explained it in depth.

Better put,

  I can explain it for you, but I cannot understand it for you.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
A J.
A J.


I'm currently experiencing the same major dilemma and athough I always use the most updated version of X5 my domain service has shed some light on this very serious matter which Incomedia says they are currently working to resolve on their end. There's a possibilty that some of the templates we are using may have some code defects as it pertains to PHP Mailer. Far beyond me why a template edited and published within the latest version of X5 is uploaded to the server with X5 version 13 settings for god sakes already!

However the many other websites I've published using service work just fine with emails coming, going and being forwarded without issue so people can only imagine my astonishment at what's hapening here.

"Greetings from

I re-check this with our Technical team and as per them, they run some test, and they notice that you are using a website, that was made with website x5 13, that was released in 2016:

You are also currently using a very outdated version of phpmailer:

We understand that you are already using the updated PHP version, which is 8.X however, only phpmailer version 6.2.0 added support for PHP version8.x.

Your other websites might be using a more recent version of this website builder program, We can only say based on the details, that this is very outdated."

Desperately needing this very serious issue to be resolved soon as I'm sure others would also.

Kind Regards to Whom it may concern.

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Publicado en de A J.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

WOW, good find A.J.

I agree, it needs to be resolved.

Hopefully others will add to this post with their issues.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Elisa B.

Hi Mr. Doctor Dust Mite, 

are you using as well?

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Publicado en de Elisa B.
A J.
A J.

Hi Incomedia,

How soon can a fix for the outdated PHP Mailer and version 13 upload bug be provided? Hoping this can be fixed as soon as possible.

Kind regards

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Publicado en de A J.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .


I think you have stumbled onto an additional problem.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

When PHP Mailer is being used, it actually does not use your "Send From" email.

To simplify,

Let's examine this. When you send an email, it is just like the post office. The letter is picked up by the mail carrier at your mail box (Computer), then taken to the Local Post Office (The Mail Server). The mail is then sent to the closest post office (Destination Mail Server) to the destination where the mail carrier delivers to your house.

On email, there are only 2 post offices within a transaction. Each post office is the domain. When you send an email, your PC authenticates to the mail server where your domain mail is held. That server then communicates with the destination mail server to advertise "I have mail for this user and domain". There are other factors in the HEADERS as well, which are examined, but the destination server says, Yes that user is here, give me the mail. When they check in, I will give it to them.

Now, here is where our ticket comes in. PHP Mailer is NOT a client on your MX record nor an authenticated user on your domain. So, how is it sending mail on behalf of your domain email account? After all, you did put the "FROM SENDER" as an email account, RIGHT? But wait, look at your domains web access for that email account, and you will find nothing in the sent folder. How could this be? PHP Mailer is using a proxy email account set up by Incomedia through some email server inserting your email in the send from header, on your behalf. As a check and balance they put rules in only allowing you to send an email in the contact form to an email account in the same domain. The application used to complain if the domain was different and would not allow you to even save your work.

  Now the ticket / the issue at hand. PHP Mailer will no longer send email within in the same domain, only outside the domain, to an email that is not in the same domain. Broken. Double Broken. 

1. Cannot send within same domain. (Does not work by design intent) PHP Mailer is Broke

2. Can only send outside the domain. (Against design intent) Works but should not

Since PHP Mailer has no authentication capability and never has, how could they keep coming back accusing your email provider of being at fault, since the send mail is not being generated from your domain? I already explained this.


This works, but few email providers support this any longer for security reasons. You have to have a POP3 provider which will allow you to authenticate to send while still providing security. Most of the major providers have done away with that support. That is why PHP Mailer was so great.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Stefano G.

Good afternoon

I apologize but, if I understand what you're writing correctly, it is factually wrong.

Our implementation of PHP Mailer doesn't rely on anything Incomedia-owned to send emails. The PHP Mailer implementation will take the From email and the Receiving email, generate the email and then send it to your hosting's emailing server for delivery.

Nothing in this process is handled or relayed to anything Incomedia related unless you were hosting your website on our servers.

If you find that some emails are being sent regularly to some emails while others aren't, this is most surely an issue with the emailing server of the hosting provider currently in use and there is not much we can do about this.

The only requirement for emails to be correctly sent with PHP Mailer is usually to configure an email in Step 5 -> Parameters -> Email that belongs to the same domain as the website

I believe there has been some confusion about how this works and I hope I made things clearer now. You can also double-check this at any time by uploading the website to a different hosting provider and verifying the website's functionality there

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Thanks Stefano,

  I never implied it is an Icomedia service or product. The real confusion here is, the PHP Mailer is broken and no one there is able to read. And because of this, everyone there just wants to slam it shut and blame it one something, which does not coincide with the facts.

So, Stefano,

  I know you are a sharp guy and believe you will read the facts, but, we'll see.

Read carefully.

When programing a "Contact Us Page" / "Contact Form" >Send>User e-mail address.

If the DOMAIN is ""

From: Support @ set to send to Support @ ( This fails )

From: Support @ set to send to greg @ ( This fails )

The above are inter-domain traffic, which fails.

The below works, but based on past experience it should not, as the PHP Mailer is only supposed to send inter-domain traffic.

From: Support @ set to send to judy @ ( This works, but should not ) It is a "Work Around" because PHP Mailer is busted.

Stefano, we are on the same page here, which is something your co-workers cannot grasp.

By the way, we have control over the email servers, and I can honestly say, if you log into the web console for the sending account, there has NEVER been anything there. That is because you must authenticate when sending email, otherwise it might end up in a SPAM folder based on the HEADER info. In this case, nadda.

  But focus on the FACTS Stefano, 

From: Support @ set to send to Support @ ( This fails )

I completely agree with your statement, and I have been stating the same, OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER.......... "The only requirement for emails to be correctly sent with PHP Mailer is usually to configure an email in Step 5 -> Parameters -> Email that belongs to the same domain as the website"

Do you see the light???

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Stefano G.

Good afternoon

I believe I understand the issue you're mentioning which, if I am correct, could be summed up by saying:

Any email you try to send from your website to another email address which belongs to the same domain, fails.

If you send emails to email addresses belonging to a different domain ( like gmail ) it works.

However, I can confirm that the version oh PHPMailer in use at the moment inside the website's generated by WebSite X5 most likely has nothing to do with this and at the moment, we've received no similar report from any other WebSite X5.

Since I dont' think that none of the other users have the need of sending emails to their own domain's address, I think the issue here is probably linked to some kind of configuration of the hosting provider.

What I mean is this: what hosting provider are you using at the moment?

If I try to upload any website made with WebSite X5 on most common hosting spaces, I will be able to receive inter-domain emails without any trouble using PHPMailer.

This must indicate that your current hosting is somehow preventing this and not PHPMailer itself

Alternatively, does your hosting offer SMTP you can try out? Perhaps by using that the result will change?

I remain available here


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

You might look at this. More people having issues than you think.

We use Yahoo Business Hosting. We manage everything there and have since 2005. No issues with sending an email to ourselves. Keep in mind, PHP Mailer has always complained about an email / domain mismatch but no longer does. I cannot tell you when that stopped as it always worked, and we never changed anything after initial setup back with X5 - 13. Also, whenever you send an email, it will show in the "Sent" folder when actually examining the server. Most people are using Outlook for example, but a business class solution will also provide web mail with all the folders there. That is the best place to look as it keeps everything. The sending email we happen to use is the receiving email as well, and has been so since, you guessed it, X5-13. Also, there has never been anything in the sent folder, EVER. 

  Security has changed over the years but for sure for at least 6 years you have never been able to send / relay an email without authentication as you used to be able to. An example of this would be a commercial printer / scanner emailing a scanned document. Those printers did not have the capability to authenticate when sending. That has changed now, but most hosting providers are pushing Exchange in the cloud, which is not a POP3 service, which is absolutely needed to make this work. Whew!!

   If I go into parameters and set it from PHP Mailer to Authenticated SMTP, it works, and it should. Every sent email shows up in the sent folder, as you would expect. PHP Mailer never did. Most people out there do not have the luxury to run their own stuff and manage it the way we do, so PHP Mailer was a great idea. But make no mistake here, PHP Mailer is busted. We changed to this (Screen shot below) because we control the authentication in the email server. We had to.

  I sent an email to your sales email instructing Elisa and the team to contact me so we could communicate in more real time and help with this. Elisa declined and set forth to just close that mentioned ticket.

A.J. might be onto something. Maybe 2023.1.4 is where you broke it. We do have the ability to use PHP 4.x thru 8.2. I guess I could set the server to 5.5 and see if it works then.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Waiting on Incomedia to do their job.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
Stefano G.

Good afternoon

If you could have the possibility of installing one of the previous versions of WebSite X5 which are always accessible from your profile, setup a dummy project just for testing purposes, and try to upload that project inside a subfolder of your hosting space, that would indeed be valuable information for us.

If you could find that one of the previous versions of the software did indeed work with simply PHPMailer setup and now it isn't, it could be important in order to investigate this.

At the moment, as I tried to convey earlier, I am unfortunately forced to confirm again that to us, PHPMailer still seems to be working exactly as expected for the great majority of our users. The topic you mentioned also presents a case which has already been solved, so it is unlikely that the two situations are linked in any way

At the moment, considering PHPMailer works just fine with the majority of hosting spaces as well as ours, I need to ask you to verify the same project on a different hosting provider too, and see if the result is any different. This of course as well as the previous test I mentioned with older versions of the software

I believe you will find something changed on the hosting itself rather than PHPMailer and that being said, if you found that SMTP works instead, I would advise going with that anyway since it is most certainly better from a security point of view.

I remain available here


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite  .
Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .

Thanks Stefano,

  I am extremely busy and have no time at the moment. I have 4 new network designs to work on and 7 Hosted IP/PBX systems to engineer. It is unfortunate it is broken, and we do not get paid or compensated to work on it in our lab. 

  I understand the variables and that is why I requested you email me directly. That allows for real-time responses to questions, not accusations or hypothesis which are the responses we currently see. That is counter-productive.

  I think it is a sad hypothesis to think no one else is having an issue, but over 400 people have viewed the post and no telling how many returns to see if it is fixed. Next, you cannot determine the number of clients using contact forms at all, so to assume it is a small problem would be inaccurate.

  As I said before, we have a CRM tool in place which shows us the traffic going to a contact page, then jumping to the completed form landing page coupled with some of the user information. Yet, we saw no email come in. That is how we caught the issue in the first place. So, you must ask yourself, how many contact form users out there have an additional CRM tool in place which would catch it? Not many. That reduces the number of users who even know they have a problem.
  Think of it this way, a car manufacturer’s new model has a malfunctioning cigarette lighter, which will not heat the element, however, will power a phone charger. Make no mistake, it is a malfunctioning cigarette lighter, but only the smokers will notice the issue. So, it would be wrong to say there is not an issue because we have few complaints. I do not smoke, but it is a perfect comparison. “Not many are complaining” is not a professional troubleshooting technique.

Yes, I am a Purple Squirrel riding a Unicorn. I work directly with manufacturers all over the world to fix high-level issues in their broken engine rooms. That is why I sent an email directly, but it was ignored.


Look again closely. Your blog engine is set to dis-allow domain criteria as it should be written, so, we had to separate it. This creates a “Hole” in your vision. Focus on the “Third Bullet”. It agrees with, yet dis-agrees with your statement “The only requirement for emails to be correctly sent with PHP Mailer is usually to configure an email in Step 5 -> Parameters -> Email that belongs to the same domain as the website.”

Inter-domain email fails.

If the DOMAIN is ""

  • From: Support @ set to send to Support @ ( This fails )
  • From: Support @ set to send to greg @ ( This fails )

The below works, but based on experience it should not, as the PHP Mailer is only supposed to send inter-domain traffic.

  • From: Support @ set to send to judy @ (This works but should not) It is a Work Around

A hosting domain does not care. That is like saying “Were you eating a hamburger when you filled out the form”.

I gotta go to work. Your asleep.

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Publicado en de Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .