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Melissa K.
Melissa K.

Site email issues  en

Autor: Melissa K.
Visitado 238, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

Hello everyone,

I've run into a bit of a problem I'm hoping someone can help with.

On my client's website, they have an online store and a contact us form. Up until recently everything had been working fine - both my client and their customers were receiving the emails they were meant to receive.

However, about two weeks ago, all emails generated from the website were bouncing back with the mailer daemon. The email itself is working fine and has been tested as functioning well.

When the emails were coming back, the implication was that they were being marked as spam by Yahoo and Gmail with these 421 and 554 error codes.

Originally, I had reached out to my client's web host tech support for help, and apparently the SPF record was incorrect, and the DMARC was missing. I have no idea how any of it works so I'm not sure how it changed or why.

But the point is that we think that with the DMARC record, the clients are potentially receiving their end of the emails [at least, a contact us email I sent as a test didn't bounce back for me], however my client's emails are just showing up as the mailer daemon ones, still failing to send/receive with that 554 error code.

Can anyone think of a way to fix this? My first instinct is to think the issue lies on the host's side, but just in case, I figure I'd ask here.

Thank you!

Publicado en
Eric C.

Hello Melissa,
even though the behavior is different than when this is involved, could you check if anything changed if this option is disabled?
You will then need to export the website again:

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Publicado en de Eric C.
Melissa K.
Melissa K.

Hi Eric,

Suprisingly enough, that seems to have done the trick! Just one question, what exactly does this option change? I mean, can I leave it disabled?

Please let me know, and thank you!!

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Publicado en de Melissa K.
Eric C.

Hello Melissa,
this option allows, with the proper configuration of the hosting's settings, to make it so that, when a user fills in a contact form, this notification reaches the website admin showing the user's address, whereas the default option for this (which is used when disabling this option) makes it so that the notification is from your website's address (although when replying to these e-mails, the user's address should still appear).


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Publicado en de Eric C.
Melissa K.
Melissa K.

Thanks so much Eric, I appreciate your help!

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Publicado en de Melissa K.
Melissa K.
Melissa K.

Hi again - so the issue isn't as resolved as it seemed - now the clients are seemingly not receiving the emails with the items. Could the disabled option have messed something up?

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Publicado en de Melissa K.
Melissa K.
Melissa K.

Sorry for the double messages - the problem might be stemming from orders sent through gmail accounts, not sure if that can help in any way.

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Publicado en de Melissa K.
Eric C.

Hello Melissa,
what address are you using for the sending of e-mails for this website?
Is it an address with the same domain as the website itself, or a more "generic" one?


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Publicado en de Eric C.
Melissa K.
Melissa K.

Hi Eric,

Yes, it's an email address with the same domain as the website itself. Before this ordeal from last month, everything was working fine - the emails would occassionally land in a spam folder, but otherwise everything worked as intended.

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Publicado en de Melissa K.
Eric C.

Hello Melissa,
I suggest you contact the hosting provider, as disabling the flag should restore the settings that were used before 2024.2 and, in general, the software deals with configuring the settings, but the sending itself goes through the mail server.
Perhaps some configuration needs to be adjusted, or they can recommend a specific mail script to be used.


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Publicado en de Eric C.
Melissa K.
Melissa K.

Hi Eric,

Thank you so much, I'll check with them.

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Publicado en de Melissa K.