WebSite X5Help Center

Stephen C.
Stephen C.

Websites gallery  en

Autor: Stephen C.
Visitado 117, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

 I have several websites in the Users' website gallery, and wish to delete some of them.  However, I cannot find how to do this, although I can see how to add more.  How do I remove them please?

Publicado en
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Usuario del mes EN

1) Click on the user name at the top right and select “My Profile”.

2) Here you can see the registered websites under “Websites (123)”.

3) Hover your mouse over the preview image of the relevant website and the info bar will appear at the bottom, click on it.

4) Now the entry for this website will be displayed and click on the small red symbol at the bottom right to delete the entry for this website.

Below are 2 screenshots for clarity.



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Publicado en de Daniel W.