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John H.
John H.

Customer purchase confirmation emails not working properly  en

Autor: John H.
Visitado 191, Followers 1, Compartido 0  


I have set up a shopping site with a simple one product that has 3 sizes.

I am having a major issue with the Customer Confirmation email. I have set the Shopping Cart / Sending order as below.

I have also set up the following payment methods, Bank Transfer, Paypal and Stripe.

When customer places order for one item all works fine, we receive the order at the business end, and the customer receives a purchase confirmation by email.

The problem is when customer orders more than one item and uses PayPal or Stripe as their payment method, we receive the order at the business end for say three items, however the Customer Confirmation email only shows the last item, however the total invoice price is for three items.

Check below:

Confirmation of order received on business side displays all three products ordered:

Customer order confirmation however only shows the last product line and has a weird -8.50 under the item price??

Strangely enough when we replicate this order using the Bank Transfer option the business receives email for three products and the customer also receives the correct Order Confirmation email.

I've been trearing my last few hairs out over the past couple of days trying to work out what is going on.

If anyone could shed some light on this issue that would be greatly appreciated. We need to go live with this website soon.

Thanks for any help.


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Eric C.

Hello John,
I am sorry about the issue.
Could you please provide me with a copy of the project and the URL of the website (from what you mentioned, is it currently online as a test setup before going live)?
You can export it in Step 5 - Export, choosing the Export the project option to generate an IWZIP file.
You can then upload the file with or similar services, and provide a download link at support @ (without the spaces).
Thank you.


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Publicado en de Eric C.
John H.
John H.

Thanks Eric, I have sent you an email with the project file.

The website is live in the sense that PayPal and Stripe are both active. I hope this doesn't affect your tests.

Kind regards and thanks for any help.


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Publicado en de John H.