Blog main page cards not uploading to hosting server
Autor: Terrance O.
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I am seeking answers. I tried several times this evening to upload new files to my blog section but the blog main page cards are not uploading to the hosting server. It could be that the weather is having an effect on the transmission systems to the hosting server in Italy but I would like to know if there is anything else I can check within the platform before I go around rebooting hardware.
This is a screenshot of the affected page. I have included an attachment showing what it should look like based on the preview from the Website EVO Pro platform.
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If everything is displayed normally in the Website X5 browser, then try this:
1) Delete all site files from the hosting.
2) Re-upload the entire site to the hosting, not just the changes.
3) Clear the browser and hosting cache (if any).
Hello Terrance,
I am sorry about the issue.
Could you please check whether this also occurs after exporting the website after regenerating the project with a CTRL + Preview?
If this is the case, please provide me with the URL of the website, I would like to check if any errors appear in the browser when visiting the blog.
Thank you.
The URL is To try and answer your question, I noticed it on inspection after uploading the blog and rss files. I went back to the platform and generated a preview, which looked good, then I decided to upload as file changes. Same result. I tweaked a couple of things and uploaded changes again, same result. This happened about a half dozen times. That was when I asked the question.
One other thing I noticed when inspecting the actual web site on a browser. The menu button for the blog would lock up. If I opened one of the other menu buttons, things would be normal, except the blog menu button. It's as if the upload is causing a loss of data between my systems and your servers. I will try again later this afternoon to see if anything has been resolved on my end.
I was also having issues with other cloud servers yesterday as well. Something I will also be checking to see if resolved. Let me know if you see something. I realize that you won't see this until tomorrow as it is late in the night in Italy right now as I write this but tomorrow is okay. Thank you.
PS: I am not ready to upload the entire website all over again just yet, in case their is some other problem. I would hate to make the problem worse.