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MD Kamrul Hassan
MD Kamrul Hassan

HTML Code and Placement Issues  en

Autor: MD Kamrul Hassan
Visitado 2514, Followers 1, Compartido 17  

sir, I have purchased.. and used your soft. but I am facing too much problem/issues..

please check out the attached image file..


I used Gallery Object to show a effect .. but when ever I preview on Internet explorer or built in browser it shows that I need to download update version.. of flash player but I did.. but the same things shows every time! I hope I m clear


I use HTML and Widgets Object to use my own html code (<ul> part to make a list) but it not shows correctly it centered the whole thing what I don't want :(. Is there any way.. to use the same code and formatting I put in my code.. ?


please check the attached image text and button is not aligned correctly :(

please sir, leave a reply ASAP as I am working on my website and need to make it live ASAP..

I will be waiting for your kind reply

best regards

Kamrul Hassan

Publicado en
Michele C.

Hi MD Kamrul Hassan,

I'm sorry you're having many problems, I'll try to help you step by step:

1) Close WebsiteX5 and try to install the up-to-date flash player directly form internet explorer browser going to

2) yes, there's a way: in the html object under the tab expert you can specify your own css code in order to style your custom html, you obviously need to know some css :) (tip: I think something like text-align:left could be helpful)

3) I think the problem that the button is under the submenu is related to your custom code in point 2). Maybe you didn't close some html tag.

Hope this helps

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Publicado en de Michele C.
MD Kamrul Hassan
MD Kamrul Hassan

opps.. you replied.. 4days agao. and i just noticied now :(

you know most of the asnwering sytestem/forum always send email notifcaton. when a rpely is posted that' why i checked my mail every time. but didn't look here :(

ok. thanks for your reply

regarding 1. yes sir, i tired.but this didnt solve the issue..same problem :( so, i m worried.. what happend to end vistor :( Other flash object on other website is working fine :(

regarding 2, nope that didn't work either. and also sir, i m not a web desginer/developer.. if i, then why i need your softrware. I mean i am not familar with CSS code...,so, please help me.. for your kind informaton, i alsy tired to manually edit the text alignment code in the html file.. but that does not work :(

regarding 3, sir, that happend as i set the html object height to 0, beause i don't like to hve unnecessary sapce under the html object and it is very hard to get the right/correct hegight so, is there any way to disble the height so, html object will take only the space that is neded? am i clear sir? i hope so..

Now, every time i expoert the soft, i have to manuall edit all teh html file to fix the <UL> issues :(

so, i m hoping once agian.. you will leave a feedback very soon..

till then

take care

may Allah bless you

have a nice day

with best regards

kamrul hassan

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Publicado en de MD Kamrul Hassan
Michele C.

Hello MD Kamrul Hassan,

you can try to upgrade your Internet explorer too, I think there's no problem with other pcs if they have flash player correctly installes, you can try to open your site with an other pc.

WebsiteX5 provides tools in order to create websites without the needing to add any custom code,this possibility exists but you need to have some programming knowledge and we cannot provide help for every particular code of our clients, hope you understand. 

My final suggestion is to try to use only the functions that WebsiteX5 provides out of the box without adding any custom code, thank you for posting.

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Publicado en de Michele C.
MD Kamrul Hassan
MD Kamrul Hassan

thanks for your reply.. sir,

regarding :

"we cannot provide help for every particular code of our clients"

i m not aksing for each of code, just the solve the <ul> issue.. would you please help me..

and also i found another problem, say i have type someting wrong in many pages.. and now i have to find and replace them, how can i do that? i try to find and repalce on all files on the preview folder (where the proejct saved) but next time i open the project it revert back to the wrong state..

is there any way?

please sir, leave a reply asap

best regards

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Publicado en de MD Kamrul Hassan
Michele C.


WebsiteX5 is not an editor but a generator of webpages, that means that the content of a webpage is generated based on the object and the content's object you put on it. If WebsiteX5 find custom code is possibly that it's stripped out. You can modify every pages later but we cannot provide help in this case, there could be too many kinds of errors and take care of them is out of the possibility our support center, I'm sorry about that.

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Publicado en de Michele C.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Go to Page creation highlight the HTML Box then go to the mini-menu at the top..... 4th icon from the left "Set horizontal and vertical alignment for cell content"

Needs to be TOP & LEFT.....

If you are using custom HTML5 Code learn the language properly it is NOT text!!!

You could use DIV's!!



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Publicado en de Cheeky Man