Informatici Senza Frontiere chooses WebSite X5 for its training course in N’Djamena, Republic of Chad 
Autor: Incomedia
The non-profit organization Informatici Senza Frontiere has been active since 2005 with projects in Italy and in developing countries with the objective of using ICT knowledge, technology and tools to improve the quality of life of people who live in situations of poverty and marginalization.
A training course was held recently in N’Djamena, in the Republic of Chad, with the aim of assisting local people in starting up micro-businesses through the Internet.
Incomedia donated WebSite X5 to this project and it was a success: all the participants found the software easy to use and were able to create their own websites.
We hope that this small gesture on our part will contribute to the development and growth of many new and fruitful projects for the future.
Have a look at the video!
Keep up the good work... Best of luck for the future.
Muy buena iniciativa, la mejor forma de promocionar un producto es demostrar que es bueno y util , felicitacion