Adding custom html with several source files 
Autor: Denis I.Being inexperienced with coding, I love this website but I always run into this problem. I can always find some codes online for some option which X5 doesn't have but I never know how to exactly put it into my website using the HTML widget. So I'll finally ask and hopefully get advice once and for all. Right now I want to add a chat box so people can ask questions with my customer service.
Problem is that the source code I found contains 3 different files: index.php, post.php, and style.css.
So which files do I add to where? Do some files just go to the root directory on my server? Do I add the code from index.php to my already made index.html file from X5? Please give me advice on this once and for all because I've ran into this many times. Thanks!
here's the link to the code:
Theinstallis relatively easy toputon the servertoa directoryin the root/chatinthis directory4 filesfrom yourlink.The callfromthe homepage, IwouldasalinkinthelinkmakeShowboxisthen "www.yourdoamin.ext/chat/index.php".But what itstillneedsto gettoruntoseethisat the originof thisapplication
ggoogle translation german
I found this a bit useful but could you tell me in detail how to add these files to the server and which code to add into the HTML widget?
Seeattached picture:
Go to5 export, open achatdirectory,change to thedirectorychatand download thefour filesinthis directory.
Now youcan access this softwaredirectly toseveral historiclinkfrom a text object, or imageobjectto theentrylinkas described above.You do not needHTMLwidget.Alinkto awebsiteShowboxmakes itsstand in the background.
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