Hotel Booking system 
Autor: Akamandisa N.
Visitado 4390,
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Hotel Booking system: Hello, I am impressed with your software. I would like to suggest that you can include a Hotel Booking system which will have a Front and Back end option for admin control. It should have a check availability option which will check for room availability. There are few online booking systems around on the net and i am sure you can generate a lot of revenue from that.
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Hello Akamndisa,
Thank you very much for your suggestion. Incomedia looks particularly after customer satisfaction and we take careful in consideration all the suggestions made by the users. Daily we dedicate all our efforts to constantly improve our service and products.
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio
I have developped a booking system i php. that I would like you to add to Website X5. Your team would get it for free, if you want. Then I could earn money on the SMS service that the system contains. Please contact me if you are interested!
I would be a nice upgrade for the program, I think. And it wouldn't cost you anything.
Akamandisa: You can also have the bookingsystem if you want :-)
Hello Mr Hansen . I'm really interest to add your booking system php i my Farm house web site.
Kind Regard
Hello Fabrizio
The system is originally made for table booking in restaurants. But it is easy to rewrite the code so it fits your needs.
What i need you to, is telling me a little about your needs to the system, then I will look if the system can fit thoose needs.
Is that okay with you?
Would it be possible to adapt your script to use it for room reservation for a small inn ? Does your script include a payment feature ?
Hello BmT
Yes, It would easily adapt to your needs. Atm. the payment feature is not excisting, but we have plans for this to be implemented, and are working on this feature atm.
Hello Henrik,
Thank you very much for the offer. At the moment we cannot insert external systems in the program but you can continue to offer it to the users in the forum.
Many thanks!
Thank you for your reply, i really appreciate
Hello Henrik Hansen,
so how can i get hold of this system?
helloI sawthatyou own aphpbooking withmecanhelp meImadea websiteand do notreally knowphpand I want tomake a reservation onlinethank youand wish youall the best.. ***
Hello Everyone who wants the Hotel booking system:
I think you would need my help to setup the databases correctly and then get a slight course in administrating the system. This I can't do for free, because I don't know how much time there would be in supporting the single one of you.
However, I can give you the system for free, If you want to have a go at setting it up yourself.
If you want it, send me an email at master @ - then we can also have a talk about your individual needs.
If you want the system to fit other needs, (Farmhouse-guy, Room-guy) write me an email as well, and I will check if I can adapt the system to thoose needs by ease. What you do, is simply pointing out what you want the system to do, and I will write you back with an offer. (Euros) - This is not done free as well as the course and support.
Merry X-Mas
How can I introcuce in my web site a Hotel Booking system ?