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Angel TDW
Angel TDW

Stylesheet problem!  en

Autor: Angel TDW
Visitado 2403, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

When ever i update a new post in blog, and update the site, the browser doesnt display teh stylesheet correctly, so have 2 clean teh cache everytime to display teh site perfectly. y is this happening, everytime i update the site/blog, i have 2 delete cache, how is it possible with ppl visiting my blog daily. needed help!

Publicado en
Little-key .
Little-key .

Have you tested online?

Please a link....

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Angel TDW
Angel TDW

hi little-key,

i have tested it online.

i visited the blog 1st. then updates with new posts...

i uploaded the blog back wiht the new posts...

and now when i visit the site, it doent maintain the stylesheet (say if i have selected 2 keep image in right and text on left, then after uploading, when i check, the text will be below teh image, and not on right, but after i clean the cache, the image will come to the right). have tested it at 2 different places..


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Publicado en de Angel TDW
Little-key .
Little-key .

..what's that...

But only when you update the blog?

This is difficult and can this not remodify.

Maybe Incomedia knows the problem already. I mark the theme for INCO.

The running navigation irritates quite really and is not beautifully.

... but it is a very beautifully website, a lot of work.

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Angel TDW
Angel TDW

ya, only when i update the blog...

just updated the blog 20 min back,,and again had to clean the cache....

noticed 1 thing, when i update teh blog, the style.css also gets updated.

i think till i get a solution, have 2 insert something in code that clears teh cache before site loads,,, will be updating more content 2 the blog will add teh code... 

thanx for ur appreciation...for teh site.

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Publicado en de Angel TDW
Claudio D.

Hello Angel,

I noticed that you have the no-cache tag in the head section so it should not save anything in the cache of the browser.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Angel TDW
Angel TDW

i recently included teh no-cache tag in the html files..(main head section) but still same stylesheet problem is occuring....

have to delete the cache manually fro the ssite 2 work properly..which is a real pain,, and i cant ask every visitor of my site 2 do the same...

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Publicado en de Angel TDW
Angel TDW
Angel TDW

teh site look should be as...

but all that i get is...

check the styling,,,

after deleting teh cache, i get the proper styling....

so needed help.... here...

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Publicado en de Angel TDW
Claudio D.

Hello Angel,

I checked your code and this part is centered. Could it be that if you refresh it becomes centered after the upload?

It can be that the stylesheet is still loading when you see it and once loaded you will see it correctly like it happens after you saw it the first time correcty because you cahced it locally.

Try to wait until it's completely loaded.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Angel TDW
Angel TDW

no sir,

the page loading completes then only i check it....

closed teh browser, several times, loaded the page, but same prob...

till i delete the cache, the metatag commands also doesnt work here...

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Publicado en de Angel TDW
Claudio D.

Hello Angel,

The metatags should block thwe caching. What browser you tried=? have you checked if it happens with different browsers?

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Angel TDW
Angel TDW

i have tried chrome,,will check firefix and ie..

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Publicado en de Angel TDW
Angel TDW
Angel TDW

same problem on all the browsers, have 2 delete cache even though metatags are there....

tested, IE + firefox + chrome.

everytime i update the site, i have to delete teh cache for the new stylesheet 2 take affect.

help needed urgently.


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Publicado en de Angel TDW
Claudio D.

Hello Angel,

What you describe happens only if the file is not loaded correctly from your browser. I tried on different computer and it always loads correctly. The issue should be duplicable if seen from a new computer but it doesn't happens. Check that you have not programs that could block the loading of the css file.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Angel TDW
Angel TDW


same thing is happening with me on 2 different pcs,

2 repeat the process... or problem..

clear teh cache in all the browsers....then

view the blog in all the browsers today,,,,(i update the blog daily)

next day, without clearing the cache, view teh blog again in all the browsers,,,

and 70% chances are the new posts added to the blog, wont follow css style while the old posts will.

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Publicado en de Angel TDW
Claudio D.

Hello Angel,

I visit all the time your blog but on my browser the content of your site is always in the correct position. I tried with different browsers and i never clear  the cache.

It can depend also on the connection and so the css is loaded slowly or the browser has some plugin that slows down the loading.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.