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Tobias Z.
Tobias Z.

How to set the coulmn width?  en

Autor: Tobias Z.
Visitado 1613, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

Dear ladies and gentlemen, I need to set the coulmn width on an internet page (not af a table) to a low value around 30. Why isn't that possible? The program always limits the minimal width of a coulmn to 81. Thank you and best regards, Tobias

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Andre E
Andre E

It seems the lowest i get is 72, why would you want to use this, maybe there is another solution. (using a table with no borders for instance) This keeps the space also limited.

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Publicado en de Andre E
Andre E
Andre E

PS no borders = setting border colour to transparant.

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Publicado en de Andre E
Little-key .
Little-key .

The minimal is 66-67px,
what you can set.

<div style="float: left; width: 67px;">

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Tobias Z.
Tobias Z.

Thank you for the quick response! A dummy table might be a haky solution...

I want to add a graphical frame to the site, as a repeaded image in the background.

Therefore, I need to shift the page content just a few pixels away from the borders. Otherwise, the text overlays the borders. Doing this with a column (which is then being added to the CSS file by WS X5) seems to be the best solution for me.

The minimal settable width was also 72 pixels a few days ago, but it seems that this minimal settable value changed. Anyway, I would like to set it to much lower values. I can't think of a reason why this shouldn't be possible...

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Publicado en de Tobias Z.
Tobias Z.
Tobias Z.

Ah, I just saw that it is possible to post images.

This is how it looks now, with the large space. The background is gray and the shading is a repetition of an image with just a few pixels hight. I don't know any other solution to add such a border. When I make it wider than the page's content, it can't be seen.

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Publicado en de Tobias Z.
Little-key .
Little-key .

Have you the code?

You can a frame insert Before <BODY> Tag or After </BODY> Tag and set the position.

must i see first.

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Little-key .
Little-key .

you see also the third  symbol up from left, to setting (not objects):

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Tobias Z.
Tobias Z.

Thank you. This might work too, but it also seems to be rahter a tinker solution for me...

I will check that tomorrow and tell you about my results.

Still, it seems strange that the minimal cell width is limited...

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Publicado en de Tobias Z.
Tobias Z.
Tobias Z.

Ah, that adds some space between things, not only on the left and on the right side of the page - and I that is bad for the layout...

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Publicado en de Tobias Z.
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

 @ Tobias - schreib deutsch! Da versteht man dich besser...vor allem little braucht sich nicht immer so anstrengen Laughing

 hier mal ein Link wo man auch in deutsch schreibt und besser die Problematik klären kann. Ich vermute auch stark das es auch schon eine Lösung dafür dort gibt wenn ich das englische hier richtig verstehe bzw. dein vorhaben richtig deute.

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Publicado en de Der Zwoemti
Little-key .
Little-key .

Du hast wohl heute Nacht neben einen Eisbären geschlafen?Kiss

Es gibt welche, die nicht in der Schule geschlafen haben (naja manchmal doch)!

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Andre E
Andre E


Do you want this for every page or for one? If it's the whole website, so every page than you need to create a custum template and use your graphic file in there. you can set then inner margins, and as Little-key already pointed out also in the site page the margins with the ' third  symbol' (inner and outer margins) to get them correctly spaced from the borders.

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Publicado en de Andre E
Little-key .
Little-key .

this are only inner margin from DIV.

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Tobias Z.
Tobias Z.

Thanks everybody! Obviously, my English sounds like German and actually, I could also write in Deutsch, which is my mother tongue. I just found the English pages first and thought, it doesn't matter where to write. I now stick to English because I don't want to create a parallel thread...
btw: I didn't understand you remark about the polar bear...

Thank you for the hint, Andre. I want to do this for every page and that seems to be the intended way for that. I will tell you if that worked out.

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Publicado en de Tobias Z.
Little-key .
Little-key .
Little-key .
Du hast wohl heute Nacht neben einen Eisbären geschlafen?

This was joke against zwoemti. Wink

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Publicado en de Little-key .
Andre E
Andre E


I had the sam problem last time, i used an already made template from V9 called sunflower, this is in the flower directory. Take a look i think this is what you want to create, but offcourse with other pictures.

The files for this template are in program directory of X5 c:\program files\website x5 evo....\templates\flower\sunflower. pick the horizontal templates, you get 4 directorys, these are different colours, just pick one.

Withe these files you can try and recreate the default template but now use custum template. It will be a puzzle but you will see and learn how Inco made this and this will help you make your site in the same way.

The inner and outer margins on the site and in the template are the most importend ones to get your website going the way you want it.



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Publicado en de Andre E