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Walter Z.
Walter Z.

Visibility for Google  en

Autor: Walter Z.
Visitado 1514, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

My homepage is online now, but invisible for the Google search engine. The site was achknowledged by the Google Webmaster Tool, but they cannot find a correct sitemap and no keywords. I entered keywords within the "general options" of website x5 and I activated the automatic sitemap generation within the "advanced options". How can I achive a correct index for the Google search engine?

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Samuel V.
Samuel V.


Could you please provide the URL to your web site so we could check the code generated ? By your own you can already check if a "sitemap.xml" file has been generated where your site is uploaded. Any special script or code you'd have inserted too ? Thanks Smile

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Publicado en de Samuel V.
Walter Z.
Walter Z.

The URL is

I didn't add any extra scripts or html code

Attachment: sitemap.xml (zip-compressed), generated and uploaded by website x5

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Publicado en de Walter Z.
Samuel V.
Samuel V.


I have checked the HTML code and I can see your meta words and description :

<meta name="description" content="Web-Auftritt des Waiblinger Kammerorchester" /><meta name="keywords" content="Orchester, Waiblingen, Kammerorchester, Konzert, Bürgerzentrum, Klassik, Musik" />

I even was able to read the sitemap from

I saw you don't have a robots.txt file to disallow some files or directory.

And even saw that Google had indexed you :

Where does Google tell you it can't crowl your pages and please what is the exact error ?

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Publicado en de Samuel V.
Walter Z.
Walter Z.

Last week, my index status was zero. Today the status is 3, may be that's okay?

You could read our keywords, but looking at the Google webmaster tool - optimization - content-keywords the message is " no data available". How can  I transmit the content-keywords?

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Publicado en de Walter Z.
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

suche bei google nach

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Publicado en de Der Zwoemti