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Christopher K.
Christopher K.

W5v!0 Website functionality with mobile devices and firefox browsers?  en

Autor: Christopher K.
Visitado 4850, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

I have just uploaded a revised version of my website made with Website X5 v10 evolution.

The on page audio clips made with the Video/Audio widget do not appear to work if viewed using Firefox browsers or mobile device including ipads.

 Is there a widget available for this, I thought that V10 would enable my website to have mobile functionality but I haven't discovered how.

My web site is at the address

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Claudio D.

Hello Christopher,

It's because the iPad Version of Firefox supports only html5 audio file in ogg format and the fallback in flash included is not working because iPad has no flash support.

You need to use .ogg files to make it work on the Firefox iPad Version.

If you require any further information, please feel free to write back.

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Christopher K.
Christopher K.

I can convert my MP3 Audio Files into .OGG files but if I replace the MP3 files  with .ogg files will the audio still work on PC and Laptop using Internet Explorer or Chrome browsers

If I set an MP3 file and an OGG file on the same page will both files play on a PC or Laptop if I set the play parameter to automatic?

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Publicado en de Christopher K.
Claudio D.

Hello Christopher,

If you put both files on the page on automatic and the browser supports both formats then they will play them togheter. You can add both files and one in autoplay and the second to startif the first is not working. In the most cases it will work with the mp3 file beacause if the browser is not supporting the html5 audio with mp3 it will fallbakc on flash.

If you require any further information, please feel free to write back.

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Christopher K.
Christopher K.

W5v!0 Website functionality with mobile devices browsers?(continued)

I put a *.ogg audio file on the links page of my website and I have now tested this link using an ipod touch, an ipad and the following mobile devices, an iphone and a samsung phone using Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread.  The music on my website does not work with any of these.

I tried the .ogg file with pc based firefox operating system and both mp3 and ogg files play only using using the firefox browser, so I presume that the .ogg file will play on a mobile device only if viewed using a firefox browser althoughI cannot test this without downloading the browser.

I have tested an apple quicktime audio file on my android mobile and this does work but the user is temporarily taken off the web page and returned to the web page after listening to the music and this is not really the solution I was after, I want visitors to hear the music whilst the web page is being viewed.

I need my audio files to play on ipads,ipods and mobile devices using their factory loaded software without having to download add-ons like the firefox browser. Can you suggest an audio file format that will work?

The apple quicktime audio file format is the same size as a .WAV file and will considerably increase the size of my website but if this is the only solution then it may have to do for now but I do not want .mp3 files and .aif files to be capable of being played simultaneously on the same web page so I think I may have to add sub page duplicate of my main pages specifically for mobile devices to access.

Will the recent software version update I downloaded today solve any of my queries?

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Publicado en de Christopher K.
Claudio D.

Hello Christopher,

On these devices the best solution is to use mp3 files. It can happen that the device will use the integrated player app and not play directly on the website but this is depending on the os and cannot be changed. Mp3 as format will work on most devices and if the device is not supporting mp3 in html5 like firefox on the computer there is the fallback in flash.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Christopher K.
Christopher K.

Thanks for that, all audio is already in MP3 format but I am dissappointed that people with mobile devices cannnot hear what we do on the web page and to overcome this for ipods,ipadsand iphones I will add the audio in apple quicktime format which will play away from the web page and return to the webpage when finished. This will vastly increase the space tken up by my website.

I'm not sure what I can do for Andriod devices , my android phone has an mp3 player but it still will not play the website music and unfortunately I dont know why, perhaps I need to download a mobile media player.   

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Publicado en de Christopher K.
Christopher K.
Christopher K.

Hi Claudio D.

I have been following the Audio playback on ipad post by Charlotte Welby and I have found that your answers on that post have helped me.

My website now plays music on all devices I have tested, but as you suggested that with the Apple devices, installing an apple quicktime .aif file will play the music in the Apple quicktime player which takes you off the webpage and returns you back when the audio track has finished.

I had to go to the schools3 website mentioned on the Charlotte Welby post to cut and paste the HTML5 code and insert it on each page on my website. I changedthe audio tracks to suit and I now have an audio solution for all devices except apple devices. I can live with the quicktime solution above but would much rather the apple audio file played on the web page if possible.

My original Website X5 software was V9 evolution which I upgraded to V10. I could not find the HTML5 audio player widget in the HTLM and Widgets on the 3 Page creation. Is it because I upgraded my software instead of removing V9 and instaling V10?

I would like to be able to change the colour of the HTML5 audio player and perhaps get it to play automatically and auto hide as well but I can find no way of doing this. Can you help me with some additional HTML code to do this?

If you can provide me with a solution then I should be able to remove the original audio player on each page so that each page will only contain two players, one for Apple devices and one for the rest.

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Publicado en de Christopher K.
Claudio D.

Hello Christopher,

The integratedf Audio / Video Object uses the HTML5 Player and has a fallback in Flash for browser that doesn't support the format choosen.

Unfortunately the HTML5 Player cannot be customized in WebSite X5 but there are differen custom players you can add in ther HTML&Widget Object that offers a different style or possibility to customize them. Some of them have also the functions for apple devices with a custom file only for them.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Christopher K.
Christopher K.

Dear Claudio D

My version of Website X5 has no different custom players the HTML & Widget Object only widgets under the following headings

1)Date and Time 2) Google, 3 )private area 4)Documents 5)Page Counters 6)E-Commerce

There is no mention of any different custom players.

Also the video/audio widget does not load a version of audio player that plays on a mobile or on a PC/Laptop. The use of different audio files determines which player shows up on the web page, but the MP3 player for example does not play on a tablet or mobile phone which I would do if it was an HTML 5 player.

Has my orginal V9 software been fully upgraded to V10 by upgrading with the latest version or should I have deleted v9 first and installed V10 as a clean copy? 

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Publicado en de Christopher K.
Claudio D.

Hello Christopher,

I meant that you can add in the HTML&Widget Object the code for a custom audio player if you want to customize it.

On mobile devices the audio player searches in the mobile a plugin to play the mp3 files instead of using flash. The support to the audio function on android depends on the Version of the OS because it has been introduced only after Version 3 and it works on Version 4.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Christopher K.
Christopher K.

Hi Claudio D,

Thank you for your answers, I have learned a lot from your posts. I have as stated above used the code on my website for the HTLM5 Audio player, all I need to do now is find some means of getting the player to play automatically upon accessing the web page. 

You have suggested that at present this cannot be done and I accept that so hopefully in some future release of the software this will be addressed but in the meantime thank you for your patient replies, unless you have anything else to add then I think we can conclude this thread.


Christopher D 

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Publicado en de Christopher K.