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G. Van B.
G. Van B.

Extend guestbook admin features  en

Autor: G. Van B.
Visitado 3581, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

My guestbook has been flooded with spam messages, 2 or 3 for every minute, for weeks in a row. There was no way to keep up with this by manually removing. The last entry dates from 3/4/2013, but I can't remove or add messages anymore (from the site and the admin section). Is there a size restriction which causes new messages not to appear? Is there a way to cleanup this mess instead of removing manually hundreds or even thousands of messages? Perhaps a 'Select all' can be added, with checkmarks to deselect those message's I'd like to keep?

As I understood in another post ( the improved captcha has been added to v9 as well, but it seems unusable right now in my situation as the guestbook is stuck.

Publicado en
Claudio D.


Many thanks for your suggestion. We will take in in consideration for the future releases.

About your issue I already answered you on (

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.