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Derek Tutill
Derek Tutill

Email form not displaying in outlook  en

Autor: Derek Tutill
Visitado 2454, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

Hi again,

Have created an email form and sent it off.  Pops an email to outlook and my iphone5 but no content in Outlook and Iphone message comes through and say "This message has no content".

If I tick the Ïnclude the collected data in csv format" it creates a file which I can open and it has the relevant data.

I've looked at the preferences on start up and can't see the former options to try different email type formats.

Any suggestions welcome.

Publicado en
Claudio D.

Hello Derek,

You can change Email Script Type in Step 4 - Data Management in the project.

Please let me know if it works.

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Derek Tutill
Derek Tutill

Hi a lower level script option works.  I still have an issue with the Field description in the options tab when I preview or load the code to my web site.  Hovering over the wee i character in the circle just displays the word NULL.

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Publicado en de Derek Tutill
Derek Tutill
Derek Tutill

Next problem is a have just purchased a Samsung slate and the application does not appear to size the forms correctly.  If I go into sitemap creation for example i can't see the Back and Nexzt button at the bottom of the screen.  IT may be a configuration issue that I am not aware of but suggestions welcome.

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Publicado en de Derek Tutill

Check thefont sizein Windows forthe desktop(standardsmallis correct).Have you installed thecorrectandcurrent driversfor yourvideo cardandthe correct resolution/driver foryour screen.

Google Translation  from german

Prüfen Sie die Schriftgrösse in Windows für den Desktop (Standard small ist korrekt). Haben Sie den richtigen und aktuellen Treiber für ihre Bildschirmkarte und die richtige Auflösung / Treiber für ihren Bildschirm installiert.

Gruss JBr.

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Publicado en de JJ. JUAG