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Jacques V.
Jacques V.

Menu Settings  en

Autor: Jacques V.
Visitado 1432, Followers 1, Compartido 19  

By advanced settings (main menu) the 3d setting rounded square doesn't work. Only the upper square is rounded on the topsite.

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Claudio N.

Hi Jacques,

On my PC it worked. Can you please attach here a screenshot of the problem?

Thank you!

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Publicado en de Claudio N.
Jacques V.
Jacques V.

Here's a little piece of my screen. The MENU. I've chosen an alternative momentary.

It is a cutout of larger things.


Jacques V

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Publicado en de Jacques V.
Claudio N.

Did you select the "Merge buttons shape" option? To me, it seems that the "Rounded rectagle top" is selected with "Merge buttons shape" activated.

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Publicado en de Claudio N.
Jacques V.
Jacques V.
  1. According to me I had chosen option 2 that time. (I have others settings now, but when I chose option 2 now things are all-right now). But there might be a connection with things below.
  2. In another post about htlm  I mentioned something else. This time  about the the sub-menu. When I chose more columns by the settings there was a spacefault in every page near ref.htlm.index in the sourcecode. When I put the setting to one column the fault disappeared. Perhaps is there a connection??
  •  I want things to stay as they are  in my pages now (No faults anymore)
  • I closed that post because there where no htlm5 faults in my work anymore . You can look it up with the word ' htlm '.

I left a screenprint of the sub-menusettings and of one page of sourcecode in that post.... The menusettings are perhaps involved in something (???) ...... It are minor things... but perhaps the scripters can keep it in their mind while researching and developping..

For me ... things are all-right now !


Jacques v

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Publicado en de Jacques V.
Claudio N.

Hi Jacques,

I've tried to validate more menu combinations but I did not find that error.

Can you please provide us the link to a page which shows that error?

Thank you!

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Publicado en de Claudio N.
Jacques V.
Jacques V.

I've only version 8 on the internet. The problem is solved when I set the menu to on column. I have the page anymore. I have changed things. The faults are gone.

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Publicado en de Jacques V.