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Alf W.
Alf W.

Unwanted space at bottom of page.  en

Autor: Alf W.
Visitado 1399, Followers 2, Compartido 0  

Space at bottom of Page. I have a large empty space between my last object and the footer on the page. How can I remove this space? Nothing I do can close up this space and I cannot make this live until I have solved this problem.

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Mario Tejeda S.
Mario Tejeda S.

I have the same problem, and i am waiting for any answer that give me a solution.

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Publicado en de Mario Tejeda S.
Andre E
Andre E

how big is this space ? Is it a custum template?

Please provide a picture or better put up the website on a test lacation a gine the adress.

Usally it's solved using the inner and outer margins on the two objects.

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Publicado en de Andre E
Claudio D.

Hello Mario,

the space depends on the minimum height of the template. If you open the template Editor you can change the value of the minimum height in the content section.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.