WebSite X5Help Center

Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Lukasz,

Do you have PHP enabled and running on your server?  It is necessary for correct operation of the Email Form.

Also check the user permissions (CHMOD) on the 'captcha' folder on your server  -  they should be set to '755'  -  anything else and the captcha may not work.

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Publicado en de Paul M.
Łukasz S.
Łukasz S.

all is ok, i have another web on this server also made in X5 v.9 and everything is ok, problem shows when i bought v.10 and reopen projects in new version of thi application, also works correctly but flocktechnology not...

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Publicado en de Łukasz S.
Claudio D.

Hello Lukasz,

It seems to be an server error because the full text that appears is:

The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.

Please try to export the project again and check if it works after an ew export otherwise you need to contact the hosting support to ask why the server is giving an error.

Please keep me updated.

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Publicado en de Claudio D.