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Daniel V.
Daniel V.

Html  en

Autor: Daniel V.
Visitado 1866, Followers 2, Compartido 0  
Tags: html

hi have you also wondered how to do just one header but straight horizontal and vertical at the same time? Simply insert into the sitemap html code but I do not know how is if you know someone please vertical menu html code? thank you

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Claudio D.

Hello Daniel,

Do you refer to a code so that you will have inthe header  a horizontal menu when in the program you have chooses the vertical menu?

The only way is to write custom HTML code where you create the complete menu.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Daniel V.
Daniel V.

Hi Claudia

Yes, exactly so I thought ,but about html do not know much.

for information, I will be very grateful.

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Publicado en de Daniel V.
Claudio D.

Hello Daniel,

Unfortunately I cannot help you with html code but you can use as alternative the image function in the header where you create first all buttons with an image editor program, one version normal and one how it has to appear when the mouse is over it and then you add the normal button image in the header and in the option you choose the image that has to appear when the mouse is over like in the attachment.

Once done you add the link function to every button so that every button is linked to the page you want.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.