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X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Cms system for our clients  en

Autor: X5 Croatia
Visitado 2216, Followers 3, Compartido 0  
Tags: cms,x5

PleaseX5developersthink aboutCMSsystems forour customers.Thiswouldgreatlyhelpusto continue toexpandfreemarketingforINCOMEDIAcompany.Andalsowouldassistusin obtainingnew clients.You have toadapt tous (customers) thatyoulong enoughsupport,financially, economically...We hope,andI speakon behalf ofa large communitythatCmssystemfor our clientsis the nextupdate.

Yourlong-time user.

Publicado en
Claudio D.

Hello X5 Croatia,

We are still taking this request in consideration for the future releases of the program.

The previous made requests are not forgotten also if it these are still not added in the program.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Thank's to you... Please consider fast... Time is ticking away!

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Publicado en de X5 Croatia
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Same here ( see my post here

Hello Incomedia,

As you must have noticed there is an Wave CMS made for website x5.

This looks great and many of us users have been asking for this.

Problems seems to be, that if changes were made with this CMS and we like to restyle that project later with website x itself, it will overwrite all changes made with Wave CMS.

The author lets us know that to undo this, incomedia should alter their coding or make a plugin so that we can combine the great features of website x with the so needed CMS of this author.

I wonder if this is something Incomedia is willing to arrange in the near future?

Kind regards,


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Publicado en de LogoLogics A.