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Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Background Colour in Horizontal Slide Show  en

Autor: Nigel W.
Visitado 2070, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

I can't seem to make the colours match with the object background and the "slides" background area.

I can't find a control for this.

Good example here:-

( The slide show as an object has a magenta background which I chose, BUT the slides background is black!)

Publicado en
Claudio D.

Hello Nigel,

You can set the color in the gallery object in the first tab by choosing a different color under Navigations commands in Color.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Hello Claudio.

Am I missing something?

That "colour" is the colour of the control bar! It doesn't seem to affect the background colour of the slide.


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Publicado en de Nigel W.
Claudio D.

Hello Nigel,

I checked the issue and noticed the same behaviour with a converted project. I already informed the developers. They will check the issue and, in case, fix it in the future updates. You will receive a notification of a new update in the opening screen of WebSite X5 and you can see the changes made in the updates on .

At the moment the best option would be to delete this gallery object and to make a new so that it will be transparent and the background color can be defined in the cell style.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Good stuff Claudio...thanks!

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Publicado en de Nigel W.