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Vladimir K.
Vladimir K.

What I want to see in the update  en

Autor: Vladimir K.
Visitado 2019, Followers 2, Compartido 0  

1. Applying a watermark to all images in the online store directly.

2. Selection of two or more parameters for the product in the store (e.g., model, and color), respectively, and the change in the price.

3. If the prices in the online store are guided by certain currency, changing currency exchange rates have to adjust all the prices! Need peg prices to exchange rates (defined manually or automatically), or the ability to change all prices by a certain percentage.

4. When working on creating a page or advanced settings directory is no "Cancel" button. If you accidentally delete a page or directory by accident, and before that did not save the project, we have to do everything again.

5. Minimum order should be set for each product, and not for all products at once.

6. Inserting a Google Map no Russian language, which makes use of this option is practically useless for Russian-speaking users.

7. On Google maps you can put only one point that makes you do a few shots at a time, instead of installing two or more points.

8. I would like to see an automatic spell checking for Russian and English.

That would be wonderful!

Publicado en
Claudio D.

Hello Vladimir,

Thank you very much for all your suggestions. Our developers will take them in consideration for the future releases of the program.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Vladimir K.
Vladimir K.

9. The problem with PayPal. If the prices in the online store are in rubles, the use of PayPal is not possible, because PayPal does not support the ruble. It is necessary to integrate the automatic conversion of currency into the currency of the store by PayPal. Otherwise, this option is useless and work with credit cards becomes more complicated.

10. When exporting goods in Advanced settings is created. Csv-file, but the data in it are poorly structured. Take the initial price of the goods, parameters, etc., but not the price change is taken when changing the parameters, and a description of the goods is broken into multiple cells.

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Publicado en de Vladimir K.