Option to Disable Browser Prompt - HTML Code Protection 
An Option to Disable Browser Prompt when using HTML Code Protection
When HTML Code Protection is enabled in X5 the right click generates a prompt in the Browser Window "Copyrights, All Rights Reserved"
It would be GREAT if X5 also has an option to deselect this Browser Prompt.
There are 2 Main Reasons for this:
1. Distraction: I just want to disable the right click. As a message to the ones who want to steal. I do not want my visitors/viewers/customers getting diverted or distracted by the unwanted Browser Prompt! This would be considered as a fatal flaw in the view of many marketing professionals and commercial website owners!
2. Image Protection: X5 has Image Protection. But when enabled, it not only disables all mouse over effects but also all Hyperlinks! So for X5 users disabling all right clicks by using 'Enable HTML Protection' would be the only option left. Merely disabling right click on images sends the message, without having the need of any browser prompt!
I had posted a similar post earlier, as a problem, on how to disable the browser prompt. And JJ. JUAG has responded in with great efforts (also in 2 languages). I have market it as solved. Though his explanations were about security vulnerability and my question was about disabling the prompt.
I do understand that there are various ways for people to get the codes. I also understand that people can find codes and download images from public servers.
Disabling the right click is merely to send a certain message (and that message can be sent without a browser prompt).
The Questions that remain are:
Is every single user that geeky to get the codes?
Would a normal surfer get into the codes even for downloading images?
Does disabling the right click sends the required message, or does it still need a browser prompt?
Is the browser prompt a marketing or commercial nuisance?
And finally, as a food for thought, if everyone finds a way to break locks, would you leave your doors open?
Kind regards
P.S.: I absolutely loved X5, and hence spent on it. In my posts I’m either posting suggestions for X5 that would help X5’s users in creating commercially sound websites, or pointing technical flaws.
Hello Ajay,
Thank you very much for your suggestion. We will take it in consideration for the future releases of the program.
Not every user is able to see the code and the normal surfer would not go into the code to get an image.
It needs to perform an action to disable it and the prompt is used to disable the right click function.
The prompt is only used to show the coypright of the content. It has no other functionality.
The HTML code cannot be blocked because the browser, if it would be not visible, could not render the pages and it would appear all white with no content. This is so since the HTML code has been invented.
Many thanks!
If I understand you properly. You are saying that the browser prompts is a result/action, that is required when disabling the right click. And has been like that since HTML is invented.
In that case, here is a link from the internet, for you to discover a new invention:
there are numerous more such pages online...
Many Thanks!
Sorry Wrong Link!
There are many more examples I can send you...let me know
Hello Ajay,
This is also a solution which can be added to and we will take it in consideration for the future releases of the program.
Many thanks!
Sorry....But I'm Falling in Love.... With Incomedia and it's X5