Blog Error Message 
Autor: W. Tucker
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I am trying to use the blog feature of your program on a web site.
I get the message that is attached when I try to post a message to a blog at
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Hello W. Tucker,
Can you please tell me what subfolder on server did you set where the data will be saved in the comments tab?
Has this folder the CHMOD set to 777 so the commetns can be written?
Many thanks!
Okay.. got it working with the 777... sorry for that stupid question. Here is another one that I don't see an answer for.
On the blob screen (attached) it shows the comments on the top and the text box for the blog that the people type into at the bottom. The problem I see is that after a few comments are posted, a person will not see the comments box with scrolling to the bottom. Is there a way to change this so the comment box is always on the top?
Aother problem is that the screen is "collapsed" even though I put expanded on x5.
Hello W. Tucker,
At the moment it is not possible to change the display order of the comment section to have the box on the top. I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post where you describe to us the feature you would like to see implemented in the future releases of WebSite X5.
Many thanks!
ok BUT what about the issue with the blog being colapsed at start up even through I beleive I have the right options checked?
Hello W. Tucker,
also if you set to display the blog expanded, only the content you wrote will completely appear but not the comments. To see them or to add a comment you need always to open the blog entry in a separate page.
Many thanks!