Idea suggestion 
Autor: Kal M.Can you integrate a script where the server is shared and your scripts do not work. The following is an example from:
$recipients = '***'; //CHANGE
$headers['From'] = '***'; //CHANGE
$headers['To'] = '***'; //CHANGE
$headers['Subject'] = 'Test message';
$body = 'Test message';
// Define SMTP Parameters
$params['host'] = '';
$params['port'] = '25';
$params['auth'] = 'PLAIN';
$params['username'] = 'USERNAME'; //CHANGE
$params['password'] = 'PASSWORD'; //CHANGE
/* The following option enables SMTP debugging and will print the SMTP
conversation to the page, it will only help with authentication issues,
if PEAR::Mail is not installed you won't get this far. */
$params['debug'] = 'true';
// Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method
$mail_object =& Mail::factory('smtp', $params);
// Print the parameters you are using to the page
foreach ($params as $p){
echo "$p<br />";
// Send the message
$mail_object->send($recipients, $headers, $body);
Hello Kal,
Thank you very much for your suggestion. We will take it in consideration for the future releases of the program.
Many thanks!