Prices in Shopping Card Covered Up 
Autor: Pete S.I have been running WebSitex5 version 9 Evolution and no issues. I just purchase WebSitex5 verion 10 Professional v. the most recent up to date version.
Purchased it for the added features in the shopping cart. Unfortunaely, regardess of what tempate or settings I use the price on the shopping card product pages are behind the quantity order box. So you cannot see any prices for any items.
If I load the same project(s) up in my older version 9 and regenerate the prices are displayed just fine. Open the same projects up again with version 10 and regenerate the prices are again behind the quanity ordered input box.
Quickly generated 6 website using all different templates and get the same issue on all 6 of them but only if generated with version 10.
Copied the projects over to my wife computer and my laptop and get the same issue. 2 Window 7 64-bit system and the laptop is Windows 7 32-bit.
Tried in IE 9, IE 10, Chrome, Avant Browsers and the versions 10 internal previewer and same results in everything I have tried, the prices are covered up and cannot be see on any comptuer with any browser, but only if generated with WebSitex5 verion 10 Professional v. the most recent up to date version.
I have a support ticket in and awaiting a reply. Kind of critial as I had clients I had promised shopping cart upgrades on and now cannot deliver.
Anyone ran into this?
Anyone know of a work-a-round other than hacking the html code?
Hello Pete,
Can you please send us your project to see why this issue happens to your projects?
You can send us an email with the project file (the file with .IWZIP extension) as attachment to using as Subject “Post 87318 per Claudio D.”
If your project size is more than 10 megabytes, you can use online services like to send us your project.
To export the project you want to send us, please use the function “Export the Project” in Step 5.
Please let me know as soon as you send it.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
I just finished sending you the project file and it was a small demo one and 1 MB, so no problem attaching to an email and sending off to you.
You can look at the shopping card as I published up to my ISP to prove it also had an issue with the price under the qualtity input box if running on my ISP's web server. Here is is preview link:
Hope you can resolve this one. ps. I noted it you try and add in a discount the display of prices and disacount display can get worst.
Hello Pete,
Thank you very much for the project file. I noticed it depends on the size of the product list object. The options to show thew complete price are the following:
Or you extend the product list object over 2 cells on the same row or you reduce in the product list object the numbers of "frame per row" to 1 or the image width to 20%.
This happens because the cell has not enough space to show the complete object and so it shows the content covered. The best option is or to extend the object over 2 cells or reduce the numbers of "frame per row" to 1.
Many thanks!
Well Claudio is not that a strange one... lol
Your suggestion worked as far as reducing the image width to a smaller percentge so I will tag your reply to me as Correct.
Thank you very much for your efforts.
I just could not see why this was happening especially when the same project under version 9 worked 100% and the same project under version 10 had this different visual appearance. I would never have thought that a setting needed adjustment since in verison 9 things worked as expected.
This is a good thread to have posted here as I am sure others that upgrade from version 9 to version 10 may experience this same issue.
Again, many thanks . . .