Redundant frame around e-mail form in WebSite X5 Evolution X5 
Autore: Silly M.
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I updated my web site using the lastest version of WebSite X5 Evolution
I had an e-mail form that appeared fine so far but since the latest version there is an unnecessary frame around the form. I tried everything to get rid of the frame but I couldn't.
I attach a picture: the top part is the old version without frame and the bottom part is the current version with the redundant frame.
Please help me.
Thank you,
Silly Man
Postato il
I Hope it's in the settings of your cell style.
Goto step 3 and select there the mail form, just select!, then use top button cell style.
set border thickness to zero.
I hope thats it.
Thank you but as I said I tried everything including cell style and it didn't help.
And the frame is not around the whole cell.
There is one frame around the email form objects (fileds) and a smaller one between the fields and the buttons.
Is it in the preview if you start preview from scratch ? This is with the ctrl button pressed ?
Check aslso step 1 template style email settings.
Do you have it if you create a new page ? And if you create a new project with a mail form ?
A brand new project with a new page does the same.
I will try the same to see what happens, can you tell me what template you used ?
It's a custom template but I tried with a standard template as well and the same thing happened.
To me it looks fine. New project, just an email object with 2 fields.....
But Are you sure you updated ? Your profile still says: !
Try else a full reinstall from your profile here in answers for X5 and see if this helps.
Your project should be safe but a backup from step5 is always a good idea.
if you still have the same problem, send it over to me at info at x5tuts dot com and I'll remove the frame for you.
Reinstall solved the problem, thank you.
It seems that some of my files got corrupted.