Jqery.min.js and JQery accordion html 
Autore: Paul W.
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I have received instructions from a coder. It included inserting a script in the header and some html code around the text. Here is a sample link to explain http://www.manideeptest.co.nf/wilsonjp/accordion.html
I have uploaded the jsqery.min.js to the site's public html file and the code does not work on the site.
Question - Is there something diferent in procedure with Evolution 11?
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Try adding the code in the res folder of your site.
(you can use the upload buttons in x5 on top once connected to your host.)
If in the script or html code there is any reference to the js file then set it accordingly to the res folder.
Then try again.
Hello J P,
It looks like you accidentally uploaded jquery.min.js to the wrong directory on your server, as it is definitely not present:
In any event, WebSite X5 already includes jQuery in the pages it produces... this link shows the location on your own server:
It doesn't make any sense to load jQuery twice, even if the version you are attempting to use is the minified one. This will only increase page loading times, which in turn will have a negative effect on your search engine ranking.
Hope this helps,
Sorry Andre, I posted before I saw your reply
No problem at all Paul.