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Jean Sebastien Chasle
Jean Sebastien Chasle

Shopping Cart - Order Submitted before Payments?  en

Autore: Jean Sebastien Chasle
Visite 1835, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

So I made my first shopping cart for a client and added 3 items. The cart works but it goes to the complete order and then ask for payments? Since they are paying via Paypal  shouldn't they have to pay and then it would say that the order is complete?

Website is:

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Jean Sebastien Chasle
Jean Sebastien Chasle

Oko, so no way to make the payment. When a client makes a purchase do the DB gets updated that the payment has been received (in the DB) or we need to validated Paypal payments VS Order

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Postato il da Jean Sebastien Chasle
Paul M.
Paul M.

You would need to do the latter unless you resorted to using custom code.

However, some order management and processing is available through your admin control panel online.  See the relevant section of the help file for full details:

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Postato il da Paul M.