Need the plug-in which drives the videos 
Autore: Delbert E.
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Can’t log plug-in when I try to include a video in my website using Evolution X5 version 12.
I like this software, but I wish it lived up to the hype. Getting helpful help is a problem.
I have not received a solvable answer yet. It took two weeks to learn how to get
the < > navigating tools to manually advance my slideshows. I bought the flip Page tool.
Now, I have the same problem with a small video. I hope I am not coming across as cruel
but I am discouraged. For curiosity sake I installed FrontPage 2003 and it imported the video in seconds.
I bought Website X5 Evolution version 13 when I received the offer a few days ago I hope it solves some of these flaws. My website is
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Hello Delbert,
I don't understand the significance of the screenshot you attached.
It says "Couldn't log plug-in" (sic) which is not a bona-fide WebSite X5 error message.
Can you please provide clear details of the steps you are taking within WebSite X5 which lead you to this screen?
Kind regards,
Hi Delbert...
you haveinstalledvideocodecson your computer?
Thesevideos workwell ifyou're playing theminwindows?
Carlos Amaral, yes they play just fine in windows media player. That is outside of Website X5 v12
Thank both of you for your response.
Having read where other people had a similar problem. I went into Chrome and Chromium and changed the settings. Now I’m getting this.
Please follow Claudio's advice given in the following thread (the thread refers to Evolution 11 but change the file paths to point instead to the location of Evolution 12 on your own computer):
You might also want to refer to the following thread for further installation advice, but be certain to use the updated files linked to in Claudio's post as opposed to these older ones:
I did this. However, I forgot to close Website X5 Evolution version 12. How can I fix this. I have already deleted them. I restarted the computer and put them in again. Still have the problem. I am going to walk through this process again. I will let you know the results.
I agree with that girl this should not be that much trouble. However, I am thankful that you folks are trying to help. I once used an older version of this software and it did this without any trouble.
I am back again without results. Below is the path to the extension files.
C:\Program Files (x86)\WebSite X5 v12 - Evolution\Extensions
I hope this problem is fixed in version 13.
Can u sendme the video file to test in my pc?
U can upload the video to youtube and link in websitex5 from youtube?
You can see it at this link. However, the problem is still unsoved with the built-in browser.
Hey Carlos, did you see the video? That was not the one I want on there.
I thought a laugh would be good for us. This is good software.
I just want it to handle this feature with ease. I did every thing suggested without results.
These web browsers should have a universal method for images, audio, and videos.
I have not seen the video, the page gives me the following error:
Not Found
The requested URL /finger-shooter.html was not found on this server.
Hello Delbert
Just a question - Is Your video H264 encoded ? - if not then be sure it is.
Kind regards
Hi, the video test file is back on for time being. The link is:
I don't know what H244 is---I will learn
Hello Delbert
Just a question - Is Your video H264 encoded ? - if not then be sure it is.
Kind regards
They are now. Thanks for the help.
Carlos, please let me know when you have seen the video. I don't plan to keep one on there.
Hello Delbert,
I tested the video in the program and it was displayed correctly.
In case you don't have Firefox as browser installed, proceed to install it and then install the flash player plugin also in Firefox and then test it again.
Many thanks!
I am convinced the built-in browser will not work for me. I am trying code to enable it now. When I get the problem solved I will post directions here. However, untill then I will not post anything else.
Delbert Evans