Responsive WebSite X5 Version 13 Prof not working fine to me! 
Autore: Nhojo K.Hello WebSite X5 World!!
I now working this still design it, but facing some challenging and irritating issues with Website X5 Version 13 Professional maybe I mess-up somewhere!
I do not know what is wrong; PLEASE YOU MAY SEE SOME SCEEN CAPTURE
When starting creates a new website; when opt to go for empty template you will see a default template with white and sky-blue light blue and blue colour.
Its appears when change screen size after customise mine template
also when using small screen size it show navigation bars which i think should not be on responsive website.
Hand kind of icon appeared on photo gallery you may see it on right side corner bottom of my slideshow
Can anyone help with those stuff, and where can i access trick and tips to user effectively WebSite X5 because i see all my websites i.e etc a just a normal one BUT i want to make them impressive like
Any videos tutorials for tips and trick please share with me a link at *** or you can comment on this post.
I need help,
Thank you
Hand icon on photo gallery
my website footer look like as i use small screen size
you can see a default template colours appear as i use a device with a small screen size
Hello Nhojo K.,
In the template editor on the side there are different breakpoints for the different resolutions. You need to click on them and there change the appearance of the template for these resolutions.
Many thanks!
Hi Cladio D, thank you for the help!