Aligning blocks for Firefox browser 
Autore: Pavel M.
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Сайт правильно показывается в предпросмотре самой программы и в предпросмотре Гугл Хром, но выравнивание блоков нарушается в браузере Мозилла Файрфокс.
Website correctly shown in the preview of the program and preview Google Chrome, but the alignment of the blocks is broken in the browser Mozilla Firefox.
Postato il
Hello Pavel,
Is the website online to see why this happens?
Did you use custom HTML codes in the project or you have plugins installed in Firefox which could cause the isssue?
Many thanks!
***** Google Translation:
Привет Павел,
Является ливеб-сайтв Интернете, чтобыпонять, почемуэто происходит?
Вы использовалисобственныекодыHTMLв проекте, иливы установилиплагинывFirefox, которые могутпривести кisssue?
Большое спасибо!
Plugins in the browser, only those that come with its updates.
Outsider code is not just Google and Yandex code and code "alternate" for the transition to the mobile version.
Hello Pavel,
Thank you for the link. As it seems on firefox the fontsize is not read correct and it seems to depend on the font used "Segoe UI Light". Could you test if using a standard font uploadd on a subfolder it appears on Firefox correctly?
Many thanks!
Hello! If you change the text in Arial gap between the blocks disappeared.
But at the same Mozilla slightly lame alignment of the blocks at the bottom of the outer boundary of the block located on the left (post form). In the preview of the program and in Goole Chrome's fine.
Hello Pavel,
In this case the font is not correctly supported by Firefox and this was causing the issue.
Probably the issue on the form object depends on the custom HTML code you used (form input[type="text"] ...).
If you remove it is it then correctly aligned?
many thanks!