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Antonio D.
Antonio D.

Adding Payfast as a payment option  en

Autore: Antonio D.
Visite 2929, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  


I want to add Payfast as an payment option could someone please help me 

Here is a link to the custem link to the php that i should use:

Here is also a copy of it:

* Notes:
* - All lines with the suffix "// DEBUG" are for debugging purposes and
* can safely be removed from live code.
* - Remember to set PAYFAST_SERVER to LIVE for production/live site
// General defines
define( 'PAYFAST_SERVER', 'TEST' );
// Whether to use "sandbox" test server or live server
define( 'USER_AGENT', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)' );
// User Agent for cURL

// Messages
// Error
define( 'PF_ERR_AMOUNT_MISMATCH', 'Amount mismatch' );
define( 'PF_ERR_BAD_SOURCE_IP', 'Bad source IP address' );
define( 'PF_ERR_CONNECT_FAILED', 'Failed to connect to PayFast' );
define( 'PF_ERR_BAD_ACCESS', 'Bad access of page' );
define( 'PF_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE', 'Security signature mismatch' );
define( 'PF_ERR_CURL_ERROR', 'An error occurred executing cURL' );
define( 'PF_ERR_INVALID_DATA', 'The data received is invalid' );
define( 'PF_ERR_UKNOWN', 'Unkown error occurred' );

// General
define( 'PF_MSG_OK', 'Payment was successful' );
define( 'PF_MSG_FAILED', 'Payment has failed' );

// Notify PayFast that information has been received
header( 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK' );

// Variable initialization
$pfError = false;
$pfErrMsg = '';
$filename = 'notify.txt'; // DEBUG
$output = ''; // DEBUG
$pfParamString = '';
$pfHost = ( PAYFAST_SERVER == 'LIVE' ) ?
'' : '';

//// Dump the submitted variables and calculate security signature
if( !$pfError )
$output = "Posted Variables:\n\n"; // DEBUG

// Strip any slashes in data
foreach( $_POST as $key => $val )
$pfData[$key] = stripslashes( $val );

// Dump the submitted variables and calculate security signature
foreach( $pfData as $key => $val )
if( $key != 'signature' )
$pfParamString .= $key .'='. urlencode( $val ) .'&';

// Remove the last '&' from the parameter string
$pfParamString = substr( $pfParamString, 0, -1 );
$pfTempParamString = $pfParamString;

// If a passphrase has been set in the PayFast Settings, then it needs to be included in the signature string.
$passPhrase = 'XXXXX'; //You need to get this from a constant or stored in you website
if( !empty( $passPhrase ) )
$pfTempParamString .= '&passphrase='.urlencode( $passPhrase );
$signature = md5( $pfTempParamString );

$result = ( $_POST['signature'] == $signature );

$output .= "Security Signature:\n\n"; // DEBUG
$output .= "- posted = ". $_POST['signature'] ."\n"; // DEBUG
$output .= "- calculated = ". $signature ."\n"; // DEBUG
$output .= "- result = ". ( $result ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILURE' ) ."\n"; // DEBUG

//// Verify source IP
if( !$pfError )
$validHosts = array(

$validIps = array();

foreach( $validHosts as $pfHostname )
$ips = gethostbynamel( $pfHostname );

if( $ips !== false )
$validIps = array_merge( $validIps, $ips );

// Remove duplicates
$validIps = array_unique( $validIps );

if( !in_array( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $validIps ) )
$pfError = true;

//// Connect to server to validate data received
if( !$pfError )
// Use cURL (If it's available)
if( function_exists( 'curl_init' ) )
$output .= "\n\nUsing cURL\n\n"; // DEBUG

// Create default cURL object
$ch = curl_init();

// Base settings
$curlOpts = array(
// Base options
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // Return output as string rather than outputting it
CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // Don't include header in output

// Standard settings
CURLOPT_URL => 'https://' $pfHost . '/eng/query/validate',
curl_setopt_array( $ch, $curlOpts );

// Execute CURL
$res = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );

if( $res === false )
$pfError = true;
// Use fsockopen
$output .= "\n\nUsing fsockopen\n\n"; // DEBUG

// Construct Header
$header = "POST /eng/query/validate HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$header .= "Host: ". $pfHost ."\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen( $pfParamString ) . "\r\n\r\n";

// Connect to server
$socket = fsockopen( 'ssl://'. $pfHost, 443, $errno, $errstr, 10 );

// Send command to server
fputs( $socket, $header . $pfParamString );

// Read the response from the server
$res = '';
$headerDone = false;

while( !feof( $socket ) )
$line = fgets( $socket, 1024 );

// Check if we are finished reading the header yet
if( strcmp( $line, "\r\n" ) == 0 )
// read the header
$headerDone = true;
// If header has been processed
else if( $headerDone )
// Read the main response
$res .= $line;

//// Get data from server
if( !$pfError )
// Parse the returned data
$lines = explode( "\n", $res );

$output .= "\n\nValidate response from server:\n\n"; // DEBUG

foreach( $lines as $line ) // DEBUG
$output .= $line ."\n"; // DEBUG

//// Interpret the response from server
if( !$pfError )
// Get the response from PayFast (VALID or INVALID)
$result = trim( $lines[0] );

$output .= "\nResult = ". $result; // DEBUG

// If the transaction was valid
if( strcmp( $result, 'VALID' ) == 0 )
// Process as required
// If the transaction was NOT valid
// Log for investigation
$pfError = true;

// If an error occurred
if( $pfError )
$output .= "\n\nAn error occurred!";
$output .= "\nError = ". $pfErrMsg;

//// Write output to file // DEBUG
file_put_contents( $filename, $output ); // DEBUG

Regards' Antonio 

Postato il
Claudio D.

Hello Antonio,

Unfortunately we do not provide support for custom HTML codes. You can add custom HTMl payments in the program in step 4 e-commerce in the payment type window by choosing pay now and then custom HTML code like explained on:

Many thanks!

Leggi di più
Postato il da Claudio D.
Antonio D.
Antonio D.

Hi again guys 

Is there a way to have my shopping cart pay now button work with a php page?


Leggi di più
Postato il da Antonio D.
Claudio D.

Hello Antonio,

What you will need to do is to get all the purchase informations like as example the price with the variable [PRICE] and the order number with the variable [ORDER_NO] and send them to the php page which contains the payment php code.

Many thanks!

Leggi di più
Postato il da Claudio D.