Statistik - welcher registrierte Benutzer hat wann welche Seite aufgerufen 
Autore: Werner B.
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Ich möchte wissen, wie meine Website durch meine in der Zugangsverwaltung registrierten Benutzer genutzt wird: durch wen, wann und möglichweise sogar was (welche Seiten). Ich habe mich durch die Dokumentation und das Internet gehangelt, bin auf verschiedene Statistiken (sogar solche vom Provider direkt) gestossen.
Bei 'WebSite X5 Statistics' konnte ich leider nirgends finden, was die genau in die Datenbank schreiben - gibt es hier eine Doku?
In einem andern Beitrag: 'Statistik von Besuch der registrierten User' wurde das Objekt Shinystat Counter erwähnt, das geht aber soweit ich sehen kann nicht auf die registrierten Benutzer.
Kann mir jemand einen Hint geben. Ich verwende das Login/Logout Objekt für die Anmeldung.
Postato il
Hi Werner.
You have two ways of achieving this.
At Step 1 -> Advanced Tab -> Statistics, SEO & Code, you can decide to use the WebsiteX5 Analytics engine, or to connect your website directly to Google Analytics.
If you decide to use Google's services, you will be prompted to insert certain data that Google will provide once you go online and activate this particular service for you.
If you decide to use WebsiteX5 Analytics, you need to configure your database correctly online, configure the whole database in the software, and then you can access this information in your administration panel by visiting
Please verify this and let me know if you succeed.
Thank you
Hallo Werner.
Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten, dies zu erreichen.
In Schritt 1 -> Registerkarte "Erweitert" -> Statistik, SEO und Code können Sie die Analytics-Engine von WebsiteX5 verwenden oder Ihre Website direkt mit Google Analytics verbinden.
Wenn Sie sich für die Nutzung der Dienste von Google entscheiden, werden Sie aufgefordert, bestimmte Daten einzugeben, die Google nach dem Online-Zugriff zur Verfügung stellt, und diesen bestimmten Dienst für Sie zu aktivieren.
Wenn Sie sich für die Verwendung von WebsiteX5 Analytics entscheiden, müssen Sie Ihre Datenbank korrekt online konfigurieren, die gesamte Datenbank in der Software konfigurieren und dann auf diese Informationen in Ihrem Administrationsbereich unter zugreifen
Bitte überprüfen Sie dies und lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie erfolgreich sind.
Vielen Dank
Hello Stefano
Thank you for your reply. I have used the WebsiteX5 Analystics. I found the database 'Statistiken_visits' and the data therein is exactly what I need. With an export to Excel I can do the analysis I require.
However, there is a little problem: the UID is a system generated string, that is basically meaningless. If I download the table 'Benutzer' I find this string in the field KEY. And I could join the two tables and have the name.
My issue is now: We have the users register themselves with Automatic Registration (Automatische Registrierung).
But then we move them to another group called 'Released Users'. This group is authorized in all pages (Seiten). One of your collegues recommended this procedure to avoid that users can immediately access the pages after registration - it works perfectly so far.
Once they are out of the group 'Automatische Registrierung' they don't apperar in the mySQL table 'Benutzer' anymore. And we cannot find the KEY and the appropriate Name anymore.
I tried to use Alias but this does not work on 'Automatische Registrierung'.
Can you give me a hint on where to find the registration information once the users have been moved to our group 'Released Users'. Or what other solution would your propose.
I could probably catch the key immediately after the users have registered and are still in the mySQL database. But this is not very nice because because it needs intervention by an IT professional and delays the process of releasing a user right away after he has registered.
Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you
Hi Werner.
The problem with this is the following.
When a user registers himself on his own, it is saved on the Database.
When a user is registered manually, he is not. He is instead saved manually. This means that changing type of user can cause him to disappear from the Database
Is there a particular reason for which you switch users from the Automatic Registration to a different one?
Let me know
Hello Stefano
Thank you for your reply.
Where would I find the details about the user, after we have moved him from 'Automatic Registration' to an own group?
Or maybe you have another solution, how we can assign names to the transaction records in the statistics database.
You will find the reason why we proceed as described in the reply from Elisa B. in the following post
Hi Werner.
After moving the Users away from the automatic registration, they are saved in a file instead
After reading through the whole Topic with Elisa, I find myself agreeing with her.
This is probably something that is better off posted as an Idea, considering I believe that if you need to move the users from Automatic to another kind of group, your need is impossible to achieve with the software alone as of now.
Hope I've been helpful
Hello Stefano
Thanks for your reply. As mentioned before, the statistics records have a system generated UID. This UID is as far is I understand coming from the user who logged in.
I understand, that the statistics database can not be configured to also include the name and not only the meaningless UID.
I can bring the statistics records and the user records together - I am (was) a programmer once upon a time - and I am familiar with different tools. The only thing I need to know from you: w h e r e are the blody users stored after they have been moved away from the automatic registration and what is the format of these records.
Thank you for letting me know.
Hi Werner.
The users are stored inside .php files that get uploaded with the website, specifically the file inside the RES folder.
Let me know should you need further clarification on this
Thank you
Hello Stefano
Thank you for your reply. I have now tested further and tried to join the two files using the fields 'uid' in the statistics data base and the key fields in the file ''. I also tried with the field 'key' in the 'benutzer' data base.
Obviously my assumption that these fields would allow to join the files (to get the Name) is wrong. And also the field 'uid' in the statics data base, which I interpreted as 'User ID', looks more like a session key to me.
Now I have run out of ideas and need developer support/skills: can you please find out for me, how I can assign User Names to the Statistics Records.
Thank you and best regards
Hi Werner.
Unfortunately, the support cannot provide help for custom code / integrations and such here. For this particular kind of needs, I would recommend either trying and ask the community for support, or seek the help of a professional. I will leave this topic open so that any user might stop by and eventually lend a hand
Should you be in need of further help about the software specific functionalities, please get back to me here. Unfortunately, custom code is not something the Staff can help you out with
Thank you for your understanding