After Uploading changes on interenet but it can't show. 
Autore: Priya S.
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I am working on Website X5 version 13, I have change in header after that upload site to internet but changes not shown online. any solution??
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Hello Priya,
Did you refresh your browser of your pc by hitting the F5 button in your browser?
This makes all changes visible, else it is possiblle that you old items that your pc has saved. ( this is done to enhance speed).
Give it a try.
Best Regards,
TRIED F5 option but result can't show.
Priya, try CTRL+F5 (this wipes the cache rather than updates it)
Otherwise, are you certain nothing has changed ie you are uploading to the correct directory? (I once uploaded a website to the wrong domain :-( Did uploading using the built in FTP work previously and then suddenly stop?
Within WX5 did you try CTRL+preview before a FULL upload (not just new and changed??
Hi Priya,
please follow Esahc's suggestion.
If you keep having this issue, please post the link to your website together with a screenshot of how it should look like, so we can verify.
Thank you! Have a lovely day. Kind regards.
Hi Priya,
Are you sure you are updating to same folder and adress this folder in your browser?
Else please make a screen shot of your preview (changes) and give us the webadress.
But this must be the same, it's can't be different then your update.
@Elisa, @Andre- My website URL is-
I am working on website X5, Professional 13. I made few changes in my website right corner, just below welcome Guest, log in or create account i put a wholesale link ... but it is not showing on website even i have save the changes and upload to the internet.
I have attched screenshot. Please find Below.
You must be uploading to the wrong folder on the webserver!
This website page is dated 27 febr. 2018.
check that you upload is in folder (I guess it depends a bit on the provider)
else empty the destination folder in step 5 , then you will go to the root of your webserver, from there find the correct folder. If you are not sure check with your website provider.
I stand on the remark of my previous post.
To check the date of the file on the server use the top right button in step 5 after making connection to your webserever (display details) then check the date of the file index.html
find a folder with the date i gave you, then do a full upload in that folder.
It must be another one then the one you have been using before, it's not otherwise possible.