How to use (include) one block/object on multiple pages without copying? 
Autore: john smith
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I would like to have blocks/objects which can be visible (included) on multiple pages. For example, I have a text block containing "the latest news" about the company. This block should be visible on each page on the right side (not in header or footer).
If there are any content changes in that block, it should be possible to make them on only one page and those should be propagated on all pages where the block is included.
Is this possible with X5?
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Hello John,
Yes this can be happen with Website X5. But for this you have create blogs. Only blogs can do what you are trying to do.
First create a simple post. Give it a title, description, author name etc. Then Go to Step 4:Pages and insert blog widget each page.
After that whenever you will create a new post on blog using Website X5, all the posts will be shown automatically in each page.
Try this now and see it will work or not.
If you have any query regarding this, keep posting. We will be happy to help you.
Thank you
... ... ... alternatively a simple IFRAME could be used, inserted in a cell of each page and that you load the external page of the news;
... the news page must be hidden and created without applying graphics.
... simple and immediate ...
... or, EXTRA++, with a single code applied only once for the whole site at step_1 x v.16 (step_4 x v.12_EVO!!!), and using a DIV_CUSTOM + IFRAME to make the news appear always on the hidden page and created without applying the graphics.
... an example could be > my example that imports into the IFRAME an animated page, which in your case would be the news page.
(IT) ... in alternativa potrebbe essere usato un semplice IFRAME,
inserito in una cella di ogni pagina
e che carichi la pagina esterna delle notizie;
... la pagina delle notizie va nascosta e creata senza applicare la grafica.
... semplice ed immediato...
... oppure, EXTRA++, con un solo codice applicato solo una volta per tutto il sito al passo_1 v.16, ed usare un DIV_CUSTOM+IFRAME per far apparire le notizie sempre della pagina nascosta e creata senza applicare la grafica.
... un esempio potrebbe essere questo mio esempio che importa nell'IFRAME una pagina animata, che nel tuo caso sarebbe la pagina delle notizie.
Altra alternativa, passa alla versione 16 che, oltre all'intestazione e Foother, ha anche la barra laterale che esegue la funzione richiesta
Another alternative, go to version 16 which, in addition to the header and Foother, also has the side bar that performs the required function
Good way to do this in the side menu, thx Giorgo!
But I would like to have this function standard on the object itself, just use it as the anchor system.
Mark an object (like anchor) and use it on another page as copy, make the function in the right mouse button for example.
I don't think it is to difficult to create for Incomedia, so maybe make another Idea post for this?
I think it is very usefull, a lot of sites have info blocks to repeat on all pages, like news but also commercial items, a countdown clock, facebook widget and there are many more....
Mine is already 5 years old and has not been implanted.
Hi John,
as Giogrio suggested, in the newest version of WebSite X5 you can easily reach this result by activating a side bar, where you can show the latest news. In the Professional Edition, you could use the Dynamic Content Object to update this part directly online.
I kindly suggest you to try the demo version:
Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.
It would be a very nice feuture to have in x5.
Many websites, specially commercial ones, have already multiple standaard items on header footer and in website also to repeat these last ones as demanded by the designer would be very helpfull.
If you use the side bar and you already have an object there like facebook, wich is not uncommon, and you have some sponsers. It would be more appropiate to place the sponsors (beside the main sponser that goes in the header) as objects horizontaly (with a facebook window that is always vertical the website will not be very nice to read if you place next to that a list of items.
So in this case it's best to make some sponser below the website on the pages with objects. You don't want these on all pages but in many cases they need to be shown. I make regular websites like that, and have to copy or use iframe through all pages for same content. This is a lot of work especially if you want to add or change one object, you need to copy it again all the way through all pages.
I already made an IDEA post a few years ago, as you can see above. There is definatly use for a function like suggested. It will make x5 easyer to work with and create more versatailes websites.
Best Regards
Hi Andre,
thank you for sharing this, I will report it again.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hello John ( and others interested )
The easiest way is ( as KolAsim also tell ) is to use an iframe. Put in in a div and style it so it is fixed.
If the code is put in the CEO / Expert, then you can have it on all pages without doing anything else.
If there are pages you don't want it to be shown, then you can for that page style it to be hidden.
I have an example here :
The calendar to the right is made sticky, and is shown on all pages.
John, yes.
But my point is that x5 is a program for people with not much programming skills.
If it can be added to the right mouse button and taggged (like the anchor function)
and then used on other pages with an empty object and then assign the tag of the object you want to copy
then it is for everybody easy to do, easy to maintain.
And i don't even want to start about Iframe itself because they wanted to lose it in the html coding but the replacement was poor and everybody kept using it. As far as I know it will stay and I hope so because it works nice. And yes it's not so difficult, but that is not for everybody even if it is not so difficult.
Well fo now the poster can continue I think....
Best Regards,
@Andre - I totally agree in this. I also see X5 as a tool that can be used for not so experienced users - BUT - many functions (objects) that is available in other programs is missing in X5, so you have to make it yourself via the html-object. I could mention the MegaMenu.
See how long time it took, before we had the text accordion!
I just gave the example, so that people that has the need NOW, should know that there is a way.
If John ( post owner ) should be interested in the code for the sticky calendar, he can use the contact page on the calendar forum :
It is only a few lines of "code", and it can be used also for other things as an iframe. And of course the iframe can contain whatever link, as long as it allows to be shown in an iframe.