Import Error invalid characters 
Autore: Андрей Яковлев
Visite 1815,
Followers 2,
Condiviso 25
When you export a project to further transfer the project to another computer program when importing an error.
Failed to load the project. (It contains invalid characters)
Postato il
Hi Andrey,
if you want you can send me an email with the project so i can to restore it if is possible.
Send to:
write in object "Post 20202 for Riccardo P."
Thanks for the suggestion
butin anothercase
I have towork on projectsat home and atwork
therefore necessary todesignandcarryto and from work
butfroma programming errorI can only workon the job
Failasexportedto another computeris not recovered.
translated from Russianinto Englishbygoogletranslator
Hi Andrey,
try to send me the project so i can restore it and analize it to fix for the next updates.
Have you try to restore the project with the backup.iwprj file?
go in the folder of the project and delete the "project.iwprj" and rename the "backup.iwprj" in "project.iwprj"
good day
Congratulationsto theholidays,which went
sendyouFailarchivewhichis not restored
will be glad tohelp
the size of myarchive ofmore thanthe permittedsize
sendyou a linksothat's whereheisFail
Hi Andrey,
i receive your project and i test it, i answers you as soon as possible.
Hi Andrey,
good news, i restored your project.
I send you and email with your project.
Thank you very much
very goodnews
I willcontinue to work.
I hopethe newupdate, this problemdisappears
thanks again
best of luck.