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C. Thaemert-Fox
C. Thaemert-Fox

WebsiteX5 Pro Ver 17, with update 1, locks up frequently. Any solutions for this?  en

Autore: C. Thaemert-Fox
Visite 1706, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

I use WebsiteX5 Pro 17. My website worked great with Version 16. It converted to Ver. 17 without any problems. I have been using 17 for a few weeks. Now it is locking up on me every 10-15 minutes; I have to end the program with the Task Manager.  I'm afraid I will lose my work. It locked up once and awhile before the update about a week ago. After the update, it started locking more frequently. Takes a lot of time to reopen the application. Many times my work did not save with the lockup and restarting of the software.

I noticed that the lockups occur mostly when I try to preview the page. That is when the save should have occurred.  I found that it doesn't save and I have to redo the work all over again. I reset the preferences today to save as I edit the pages. Hope that saves me some do-overs.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, did you resolve it? Let me know what you had to do. I am reinstalling Version 17 and will not allow the update to follow. I do not know how that will affect the software. I hope it will not corrupt anything.  I have too much work completed since the new Version installed. I do not think I can go back to Version 16 Pro at this point. Can anyone help me? 

Thank you.

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Please make frequent use of step 5 export, export project. This will create a backup/importable project that is far more reliable than the default backup. 

As for instability, pressing save and then ctrl+preview to refresh whole site used to improve this. You can also click the down arrow next to save to create a quick backup, I have often found this works even while save prior to preview appears to have frozen.

Let us know if this does not help.

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