Version 17 Error message. 
Autore: Jim C.
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Hi All,
Using the latest version 17, project was working OK, closed it down and when re-opened the following error message appeared:
Whilst I can recover the project by importing a back up iwzip file, I am curious to know what if anything would have caused this error and how I can resolve the problem if it reoccurs in the future, without resorting to a back up iwzip file.
Any help or advice as always is very much appreciated.
Many thanks,
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Visit step 5 export, export project frequently. I have never seen a recovery using the standard backup when the error is a zero length XML file which is not the file backed up.
What causes it?
No-one is sure, and everyone dreads it. I do know it has been caused by faulty hardware (errors on HD sectors which in most cases can be fixed by running chkdsk c: /r where the project is stored on C: somewhere). I do know it has been caused by overladen systems running 100% cpu due to either 3rd party software (anti-virus/malware/malware protection) or massive changes to a project (eg major changes to header structure affecting every page and multiple resolutions), I do know that preview can invoke it (it is recommended to press save and then ctrl+preview in that order).
I have experienced it on my system using an SSD (chkdsk fixed it / made it reliable and I had an iwzip to restore).
There is always a peak in this type of error with the release of a new version, but the problem always falls back to extremely infrequent, so I suspect rather than a failure or flaw in WX5, it is WX5 pushing the users hardware beyond it's limits as it reconfigures the project to the new standards (and potentially the impatience of the user).
Alway click save before preview.
If the change/s affect more than one page, always select ctrl+preview to rebuild the whole site.
Visit step 5 export, export project frequently. Even Evolution allows you to rename an iwzip on creation. Consider adding the date to the file name on each save so that you have multiple restore options.
Good luck!!!
Hi Esahc,
Thank you for your prompt feedback, following your previous advice in the forum, I always export my projects with the date changed, which allows me to restore the project without too many swear words or resorting to the bottle of best malt in the corner.
I was curious to find out what could have caused the problem and hopefully to prevent it in the future. Looks like I shall have to put it down to the PC Gods/Website X5 having an off day.
Many thanks,