Cookie Banner 
Autore: Roger C.
Visite 2574,
Followers 1,
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hi, my website is for a non commercial community history group.
We only offer information
We have a search engine, we envite email responses via external email addresses (not embedded within site)
We also have a visitor counter.
There may be 'software' cookies which I know nothing about.
So simple question, where is there an idiot-proof guide for a cookie banner on a website using Websitex5 v9 to comply with EU regulations please?
Thanks in anticipation
Roger Collins
Postato il
Hello. You can place a cookie message at the bottom of each page or, for example, in the footer. But it will not disappear by clicking on the consent button. This is available in newer versions of the program.
Aleksei thanks for reply
But how do I do for my software please?
thanks RC
(It > En) ... this is my >> example of my exclusive and old invention, free, based on DIV_CUSTOM, suitable for all occasions, (from v.7 onwards)! ...
... Ctrl+U to view and copy the code to use, between lines 15-32
... for v.9 you must paste the code in all the pages, in the respective sections indicated here:
>> Step 2 - Map > The Page Properties window | The Expert section | ▪Custom Code: > ▼Before closing the BODY tag
... if you need clarifications or suggestions, you make yourself heard ...
... ... my code contains a harmless my cookie of session which expires when the browser is closed without leaving traces according to the law ...
If you use a standard-Version from X5, without google analytics or etracker, you don't need a cookie-banner. EuGH has decided that only tracking coockies need a banner wich must be doppel optin or the visitor can choose cookies on/off.
if you use ghostery on your machine, you can see if websites using cookies. See here
ghostery is usable for a lotof browers