BETA Email form error on BETA 2019.3.13 
Autore: Peter Voutyras
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BETA 2019.3.13 dont sent form.
Email form error on BETA 2019.3.13
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Hello.Try PHP 7.2 or use the stable version of the program.
NO . the same problem.
the problem is that my brother has upgraded and i can't go back to the 2019.3.12
Peter, if you regularly created a new iwzip (rename at time of creation with version or date) thru step 5 export project you would be able to open the earlier version of your project in the stable release.
I have notified Incomedia of your problem. I am sure the issue will be resolved in a short time.
Hello Peter
Thank you for your report
I can confirm that this issue can be encountered in the latest BETA version.
I've notified the developers of this so that it can be fixed.
I will notify you here as soon as news on this becomes available
Thank you
tutti in Brasile soffrono purtroppo del problema di questa versione, l'abbiamo aggiornata perché è beta e abbiamo dimenticato di testare il modulo.
Ora non tutto è abbastanza, perdendo diversi contatti.
si prega di regolare l'errore su quello corretto, il più presto possibile, fino al 20/01/2020 - lunedì.
grazie ...
everyone in Brazil is suffering from the problem of this version unfortunately, we updated it because it is beta, and we forgot to test the form.
Everything is not enough now, losing several contacts.
please adjust the error to the correct one, as soon as possible, until 01/20/2020 - Monday.
-- GT--
todos no Brazil está sofrendo com o problema desta versão infelizmente, atualizamos por ser beta, e esquecemos de testar o formulário.
Tudo agora não chega, perdendo diversos contatos.
favor ajustar o erro para o correto, o mais breve, até o dia 20/01/2020 - Segunda-Feira.
We changed some servers to PHP 7.2.2, even so it was not, as many do not support multi-function, such as VPS, resale and shared ...
you need to fix it or go back to the previous one that was organized.
I await an answer.
I have the same problem- and cannot go back in versions - when it has been converted there is no way back
please notify when corrected - and fast!
Don't use BETA for productive.
But as long as BETA overwrites productive Version ....
Yes Georg, beta versions should be standalone and maintain independent versions of each project.
One way to do this is to create a new user and work in the alternate profile when testing.
This is a bit of a chore but can save a great deal of pain, but getting in and out of beta stream is a major issue, it is all too easy to update the stable release with a beta release by mistake.
Yes, I agree, but it was a very quick action, and with the carelessness, the update ended up being published without proper backup; so now, we need help with quick fix.!
A temporary fix.
copy - paste the contact form and it will work. Until the next update is corrected
Good afternoon everyone
I can confirm that this problem is currently reported for v2019.3.13 and the team is already working on a fix in the next BETA update.
I will keep you posted here as soon as news on this becomes available
Thank you
Hello everyone
I would like to inform you that an update is available for testing which addresses your issue, should you be part of the BETA program.
You can read more about it here in case you are not and wish to join:
Keep in mind that this update will not be available should your license have expired for longer than 14 days now.
If you have the chance to test it out, please leave me a feedback here
Thank you