Ver 2020.3.4 error (urgent help) 
Autore: N. GulalpI nedd Urgent Help
After the last update, the program started to issue error codes as follows. When I close this window, reload the program appears. Ver.2020.3.4 is currently installed. I cannot go back to the previous version. I have to update the prefix projects and submit a new project. I need urgent help.
The program opens normally, but when you add lines, images or change places on the pages, it waits for a while and a window appears with this long message.
error notes :
(Platform: x64) 06.11.2020 11: 04: 29.199 [EXCEPTION] Öğe, izgarada sonraki konum için seçilemez WebSiteX5.BL Konum: WebsiteX5.BL.Responsive.RecoverConsistentPositionStrategy.Run (): WebsiteX5.BL .GridPage. <> C__DisplayClass96_0. b__0 () Konum: System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () 06.11.2020 11: 04: 29.199 [EXCEPTION] Bir veya daha fazla hata oluştu. mscorlib konum: System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional (Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions) Konum Konum Konum: System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Konum: WebsiteX5.BL.GridPage.RebuildGridation) `1.Kommit () Konum: A.VS.N () Konum: A.JN.Z (Nesne, EventArgs) Konum: A.TL. T (Nesne, 343 [BİLGİ] wizPageCreation 06.11.2020 11: 04: 18. 163 [BİLGİ] WSX5 Asistan Çağır: Pencere tutamacı oluşturulana kadar bu özelliği değiştiremezsiniz! 06.11.2020 11: 04: 16.162 [BİLGİ] Yükleniyor Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Sürüm =, Culture = nötr, PublicKeyToken = null 06.11.2020 11: 04: 16.098 [BİLGİ] wizPlanWebsite 06.11.2020 11: 04: 15.346 [ BİLGİ] yükleniyor Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version =, Culture = nötr, PublicKeyToken = null 06.11.2020 11: 04: 12.126 [INFO] ---> yaklaşık: boşluk 06.11.2020 11: 04: 10.141 [INFO]. ..doğru 06.11.2020 11: 04: 10.141 [BİLGİ] Kaydedildi ... 06.11.2020 11: 04: 10.115 [BİLGİ] Meta Kaydediliyor ... 06.11.2020 11: 04: 04.184 [BİLGİ] Microsoft.GeneratedCode yükleniyor, Sürüm =, Culture = nötr, PublicKeyToken = null 06.11.2020 11: 04: 03.591 [BİLGİ] Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Sürüm =, Kültür = nötr, PublicKeyToken = boş 06.11. 2020 PublicKeyToken = 2b02b46f7326f73b 06.11.2020 11: 02: 08.494 [EXCEPTION] Kaynak dosyası bulunamadı (D: \\ belgelerim \\ Incomedia \\ WebSite X5 - Professional \\ Bursa Gurme \\ Library \\ ooxkkkvn1aq8nez6wfubew1jh19f684r) WebSiteX5. .BL.CopyGenerator.RunOutput (Boolean uploadVersion) konum: WebsiteX5.BL.FileGenerator.RunOutput () Konum: WebsiteX5.BL.Pipeline.doOneIo () 06.11.2020 11: 02: 08.447 [BİLGİ] Magick.NET-Q8- yükleniyor AnyCPU, Sürüm =, Culture = nötr, PublicKeyToken = 2004825badfa91ec 06.11.2020 11: 02: 08.072 [INFO] wizGeneralSettings 06.11.2020 11: 02: 07.963 [BİLGİ] D: \\ bazıim \\ Incomedia \\ WebSite X5 - Profesyonel \\ Bursa Gurme \\ Ön İzleme | Sunucu istekleri kabul ediyor 06.11.2020 11: 02: 07.291 [BİLGİ] jint yükleniyor, Sürüm =, Culture = nötr, PublicKeyToken = 2e92ba9c8d81157f 06.11.2020 11: 02: 07. 197 [BİLGİ] ... doğru 06.11.2020 11: 02:07. Lucida Konsol 06.11.2020 11: 02: 06.603 [BİLGİ] Yazı Tipi Ailesi Ekleme: Etki 06.11.2020 11: 02: 06.588 [BİLGİ] Yazı Tipi Ailesi Ekleme: Gürcistan 06.11.2020 11: 02: 06.588 [BİLGİ] Yazı Tipi Ailesi Ekleme: Courier Yeni 06.11.2020 11: 02: 06.572 [BİLGİ] Yazı Tipi Ailesi Ekleme: Comic Sans MS 06.11.2020 11: 02: 06.572 [BİLGİ] Yazı Tipi Ailesi Ekleme: Book Antiqua 06.11.2020 11: 02: 06.572 [ BİLGİ] Yazı Tipi Ailesi Ekleme: Arial Black 06.11.2020 11: 02: 06.541 [BİLGİ] Yazı Tipi Ailesi Ekleme: Arial 06.11.2020 11: 02: 02.744 [BİLGİ] Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Sürüm =, Kültür = nötr = = =, PublicKeyToken = boş 06.11.2020. 2020 11: 02: 02.541 [BİLGİ] Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version =, Culture = nötr, PublicKeyToken = null 06.11.2020 11: 02: 02.307 [BİLGİ] site | Sunucu hazır 06.11.2020 11: 02: 02. 307 [BİLGİ] sitesi | Sunucu başlatılamadı: Zaten 06.11.2020 11:02:00 çalışıyor. 775 [BİLGİ] sitesi | Sunucu hazır 06.11.2020 11: 02: 00.775 [BİLGİ] site |'de çalışan sunucu 06.11.2020 11: 02: 00.744 [BİLGİ] Yükleniyor Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack, Sürüm =, Culture = nötr, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35 06.11.2020 11: 02: 00.682 [BİLGİ] Microsoft yükleniyor .WindowsAPICodePack.Shell, Sürüm =, Culture = nötr, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35 06.11.2020 11: 01: 56.760 [INFO] Loading System.resources, Version =, Culture = tr, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089 06.11.2020 2020 2020 2020 11: 01: 56.236 [BİLGİ] Yükleniyor Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version =, Culture = utral, PublicKeyToken = null 06.11.2020 11: 01: 56.190 [INFO] wizProjectSelection 06.11.2020 11: 01: 48.275 [ BİLGİ] Yükleniyor Sistem.
N. Gulalp, if it is possible please open your project and go to step5 export project as a safeguard.
After ensuring there are no pending or active updates happening within Windows, and after restart you can download a new install from your profile (top right this page) where you will also find your license number.
If after reinstall and PC restart your project still misbehaves, please open WX5 again and select import to import the iwzip you created (it will not overwrite your existing project). Is this now stable?
If you duplicated the project when upgrading (as suggested by WX5) you can go back to v2020.2 by downloading and re-installing this version from your profile (both versions can coexist)
önceki sürüme dönmek hariç söylediklerinizin hepsini yaptım ama maalesef aynı sorun devam ediyor.
(Platform: x64) 08.11.2020 21:47:42.417 [EXCEPTION] Element can\'t be selected for next position in the grid WebSiteX5.BL konum: WebsiteX5.BL.Responsive.RecoverConsistentPositionStrategy.Run() konum: WebsiteX5.BL.GridPage.<>c__DisplayClass96_0.<RebuildGridAndGroups>b__0() konum: System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute() 08.11.2020 21:47:42.416 [EXCEPTION] Bir veya daha fazla hata oluştu. mscorlib konum: System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions) konum: System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) konum: WebsiteX5.BL.GridPage.RebuildGridAndGroups() konum: WebsiteX5.BL.GridPage.Update(GridPageCreationFacade other) konum: WebsiteX5.BL.Helpers.Transaction`1.Commit() konum: A.VS.N() konum: A.JN.A(Boolean ) konum: A.TL.T(Object , MouseEventArgs ) konum: System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) konum: System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) konum: System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) konum: System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m) konum: System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) 08.11.2020 21:47:42.396 [INFO] Recover Responsive - Start 08.11.2020 21:47:38.380 [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: Element can\'t be selected for next position in the grid 08.11.2020 21:47:38.372 [INFO] Recover Responsive - Start 08.11.2020 21:47:35.723 [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: Element can\'t be selected for next position in the grid 08.11.2020 21:47:35.715 [INFO] Recover Responsive - Start 08.11.2020 21:47:33.922 [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: Element can\'t be selected for next position in the grid 08.11.2020 21:47:33.912 [INFO] Recover Responsive - Start 08.11.2020 21:47:27.716 [INFO] ...correctly 08.11.2020 21:47:27.716 [INFO] Saved... 08.11.2020 21:47:27.716 [INFO] Saving Metadata... 08.11.2020 21:47:23.497 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:47:23.090 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Kalam 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Verdana 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Trebuchet MS 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Times New Roman 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Tahoma 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Palatino Linotype 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Lucida Sans Unicode 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Lucida Console 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Impact 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Georgia 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Courier New 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Comic Sans MS 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Book Antiqua 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Arial Black 08.11.2020 21:47:22.708 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Arial 08.11.2020 21:47:22.677 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:47:22.630 [INFO] Change time: 11 2020-11-09 00:47:22 08.11.2020 21:47:22.630 [INFO] Change time: 11 2020-11-09 00:47:22 08.11.2020 21:47:22.502 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 22ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:22.481 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 21ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:22.459 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 106ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:22.217 [INFO] Waiting 1 Threads 08.11.2020 21:47:21.013 [INFO] Waiting 2 Threads 08.11.2020 21:47:20.904 [INFO] Waiting 4 Threads 08.11.2020 21:47:20.630 [INFO] Recover Responsive - End 08.11.2020 21:47:20.622 [INFO] Recover Responsive - Start 08.11.2020 21:47:17.075 [INFO] wizPageCreation 08.11.2020 21:47:16.987 [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: You cannot change this property until the window handle is created! 08.11.2020 21:47:07.155 [INFO] wizObjectImage 08.11.2020 21:47:06.868 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 19ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:06.846 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 21ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:06.819 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 32ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:06.779 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 22ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:06.756 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 34ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:06.717 [INFO] BoundingRect on browser 0: 427ms elapsed 08.11.2020 21:47:02.553 [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: Element can\'t be selected for next position in the grid 08.11.2020 21:47:02.447 [INFO] Recover Responsive - Start 08.11.2020 21:46:57.395 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:57.379 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:57.301 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:56.869 [INFO] wizPageCreation 08.11.2020 21:46:56.692 [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: You cannot change this property until the window handle is created! 08.11.2020 21:46:56.145 [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage.WinControls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 08.11.2020 21:46:54.165 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:54.149 [INFO] wizPlanWebsite 08.11.2020 21:46:53.160 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:51.490 [INFO] Waiting 10 Threads 08.11.2020 21:46:51.380 [INFO] Waiting 11 Threads 08.11.2020 21:46:51.271 [INFO] Waiting 15 Threads 08.11.2020 21:46:51.162 [INFO] Waiting 21 Threads 08.11.2020 21:46:50.505 [INFO] Waiting 22 Threads 08.11.2020 21:46:50.459 [INFO] Loading System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 08.11.2020 21:46:50.396 [INFO] Waiting 23 Threads 08.11.2020 21:46:50.349 [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage.Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 08.11.2020 21:46:50.334 [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 08.11.2020 21:46:50.334 [EXCEPTION] Source file not found (D:\\belgelerim\\Incomedia\\WebSite X5 - Professional\\bursagurme\\Library\\ooxkkkvn1aq8nez6wfubew1jh19f684r) WebSiteX5.BL konum: WebsiteX5.BL.CopyGenerator.RunOutput(Boolean uploadVersion) konum: WebsiteX5.BL.FileGenerator.RunOutput() konum: WebsiteX5.BL.Pipeline.doOneIo() 08.11.2020 21:46:50.287 [INFO] Loading Magick.NET-Q8-AnyCPU, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2004825badfa91ec 08.11.2020 21:46:49.856 [INFO] wizGeneralSettings 08.11.2020 21:46:49.665 [INFO] D:\\belgelerim\\Incomedia\\WebSite X5 - Professional\\bursagurme\\Preview | Server accepting requests 08.11.2020 21:46:48.865 [INFO] Loading jint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2e92ba9c8d81157f 08.11.2020 21:46:48.756 [INFO] ...correctly 08.11.2020 21:46:48.756 [INFO] Saved... 08.11.2020 21:46:48.756 [INFO] Saving Metadata... 08.11.2020 21:46:48.318 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:48.178 [INFO] Loading CefSharp.OffScreen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138 08.11.2020 21:46:48.162 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Kalam 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Verdana 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Trebuchet MS 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Times New Roman 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Tahoma 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Palatino Linotype 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Lucida Sans Unicode 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Lucida Console 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Impact 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Georgia 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Courier New 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Comic Sans MS 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Book Antiqua 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Arial Black 08.11.2020 21:46:48.100 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Arial 08.11.2020 21:46:48.068 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Verdana 08.11.2020 21:46:48.053 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Trebuchet MS 08.11.2020 21:46:48.053 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Times New Roman 08.11.2020 21:46:48.053 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Tahoma 08.11.2020 21:46:48.037 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Palatino Linotype 08.11.2020 21:46:48.037 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Lucida Sans Unicode 08.11.2020 21:46:48.037 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Lucida Console 08.11.2020 21:46:48.037 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Impact 08.11.2020 21:46:48.022 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Georgia 08.11.2020 21:46:48.022 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Courier New 08.11.2020 21:46:48.006 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Comic Sans MS 08.11.2020 21:46:47.990 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Book Antiqua 08.11.2020 21:46:47.990 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Arial Black 08.11.2020 21:46:47.975 [INFO] Adding Font Family: Arial 08.11.2020 21:46:43.010 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:42.697 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:42.447 [INFO] site | Server ready 08.11.2020 21:46:42.447 [INFO] site | Server running on 08.11.2020 21:46:28.358 [INFO] Loading System.Windows.Forms.resources, Version=, Culture=tr, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 08.11.2020 21:46:28.201 [INFO] ...correctly 08.11.2020 21:46:28.201 [INFO] Saved... 08.11.2020 21:46:28.186 [INFO] Saving Metadata... 08.11.2020 21:46:28.186 [INFO] ...correctly 08.11.2020 21:46:28.186 [INFO] Saved... 08.11.2020 21:46:28.186 [INFO] Saving Metadata... 08.11.2020 21:46:23.326 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 08.11.2020 21:46:23.045 [INFO] Loading System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 08.11.2020 21:46:22.994 [INFO] Loading System.IO.Compression, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 08.11.2020 21:46:22.923 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 08.11.2020 21:46:08.291 [INFO] Loading System.resources, Version=, Culture=tr, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 08.11.2020 21:46:07.653 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:46:07.622 [INFO] wizProjectSelection 08.11.2020 21:45:53.352 [INFO] Loading System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 08.11.2020 21:45:53.171 [INFO] wizStart 08.11.2020 21:45:53.150 [INFO] Loading mscorlib.resources, Version=, Culture=tr, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 08.11.2020 21:45:52.841 [INFO] Loading WebSiteX5.Resources, Version=2020.1.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=55265808593be4c5 08.11.2020 21:45:52.626 [INFO] Loading CefSharp.WinForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138 08.11.2020 21:45:52.359 [INFO] Loading CefSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138 08.11.2020 21:45:52.300 [INFO] Loading CefSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138 08.11.2020 21:45:52.185 [INFO] Loading WebSiteX5.Browser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90163a1b10d8b8a5 08.11.2020 21:45:52.121 [INFO] Opening the Main Window 08.11.2020 21:45:52.116 [INFO] Creating Wizard Manager 08.11.2020 21:45:52.086 [INFO] Configuring Form Main 08.11.2020 21:45:51.388 [INFO] Creating WBE 08.11.2020 21:45:51.387 [INFO] Updating Libraries - End 08.11.2020 21:45:49.479 [INFO] Updating PluginApps 08.11.2020 21:45:49.479 [INFO] Updating Tips 08.11.2020 21:45:46.883 [INFO] Loaded Start Page 08.11.2020 21:45:44.835 [INFO] Updating Templates 08.11.2020 21:45:43.261 [INFO] Updating User Status 08.11.2020 21:45:43.260 [INFO] Updating Libraries - Start 08.11.2020 21:45:43.260 [INFO] Loading Libraries - End 08.11.2020 21:45:43.250 [INFO] Loading Start Page... 08.11.2020 21:45:43.227 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:43.223 [INFO] Loading Guesbook Styles 08.11.2020 21:45:43.197 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:43.194 [INFO] Loading Tips 08.11.2020 21:45:43.122 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:43.116 [INFO] Loading Cart Steps Styles 08.11.2020 21:45:42.601 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:42.149 [INFO] Loading Cell Formats 08.11.2020 21:45:41.443 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:40.119 [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 08.11.2020 21:45:40.104 [INFO] Loading Rebex.Ftp, Version=4.0.6426.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1c4638788972655d 08.11.2020 21:45:40.049 [INFO] Loading Image Editor Properties 08.11.2020 21:45:39.951 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:39.938 [INFO] Loading Templates 08.11.2020 21:45:39.799 [INFO] Loading PluginApps 08.11.2020 21:45:39.763 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:39.755 [INFO] Loading Buttons Styles 08.11.2020 21:45:39.731 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:39.725 [INFO] Loading Buttons 08.11.2020 21:45:38.573 [INFO] Loading Languages 08.11.2020 21:45:38.544 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:38.537 [INFO] Loading Currencies 08.11.2020 21:45:38.536 [INFO] Ensure Projects Folder Exists 08.11.2020 21:45:38.390 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:38.369 [INFO] Loading Settings 08.11.2020 21:45:38.196 [INFO] Loading Libraries - Start 08.11.2020 21:45:38.196 [INFO] Installing Libraries - End 08.11.2020 21:45:38.185 [INFO] Installing Libraries - Start 08.11.2020 21:45:38.180 [INFO] Splash Screen 08.11.2020 21:45:37.943 [INFO] Loading WebsiteX5.Localization, Version=2020.3.3.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9200094a554074ea 08.11.2020 21:45:37.668 [INFO] Loading DevComponents.DotNetBar2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7eb7c3a35b91de04 08.11.2020 21:45:36.614 [INFO] Starting Form Main 08.11.2020 21:45:36.208 [INFO] Loading System.Management, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 08.11.2020 21:45:36.177 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08.11.2020 21:45:36.161 [INFO] Checking Licence 08.11.2020 21:45:36.161 [INFO] Looking for Referrer 08.11.2020 21:45:36.161 [INFO] Looking for Startup Arguments 08.11.2020 21:45:36.130 [INFO] Loading System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 08.11.2020 21:45:36.130 [INFO] Loading System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 08.11.2020 21:45:36.114 [INFO] Loading System.IO.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96bf224d23c43e59 08.11.2020 21:45:36.083 [INFO] Checking Local App Data Folder 08.11.2020 21:45:36.083 [INFO] Cleaning Startup Path
If you have installed v2020.3 again and this did not help, please install v2020.2 and open your project (this assumes you still have a copy that has not been opened in v2020.3) to confirm it behaves properly.
Export this working version from 2020.2 and then import it into v2020.3
If the project is good in v2020.2 but misbehaves in v2020.3 after import this suggests there is a problem with the program and not the project.
Hi, first of all thank you for your message. I had created the project in the latest version. previous version only had catalog publication. After uninstalling the program and installing both versions last night, I recalled and duplicated one of the copies I exported before. For now, it did not fail again, but I will also write if there were any other problems while continuing to work on the project. good works.