Html Sitemap 
Autore: Marko Zwier
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Good day,
I would like and also useful that:
That there will also be an HTML sitemap in addition to an XML sitemap.
There are, among other things, 2 reasons to create an HTML Sitemap.
1 It is useful for the visitors of a website.I have also experienced this before.
2 It is also useful for a search engine as SEO.
See also the link to a video about it.
Matt Cuts SEO Google - HTML an XML Sitemap
Thanks Marko Zwier
Postato il
Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
The html-sitemap was one of the thing that was removed without any explanation.
Up to version 13 we had this feature. BRING IT BACK.
già !
ma non penso che la rimetteranno...
l'ho già richiesta più e più volte, in passato.
Oramai mi sono organizzato diversamente... per creare la mappa in HTML, ho dovuto "studiarci" parecchio su, ma ho risolto per conto mio ... ora riesco a crearla in tre modi diversi...
@Marko... se metti in una pagina degli Oggetti MENU, ottieni una cosa simile (questo è uno dei modi; gli altri due tramite codici)
With menus, for example:
esatto ! è uno dei metodi che ho usato anche io...
Uno dei tanti tagli apparentemente ingiustificati che io lamento sempre a fronte del costo che paghiamo per vedere il programma piu' ricco e sviluppato.
Se ritornera' sarà sicuramente come nuovo oggetto opzionale a pagamento.
One of the many apparently unjustified cuts that I always complain about the cost we pay to see the program more rich and developed.
If it returns, it will surely be as a new optional object NOT FREE.
@Fabio - I was thinking of adding a post to tell that if it should come back it would maybe be as an object - that you had to pay for. How could we both think so bad about a firm?
Experience talks, like for Cart Status. That's why i prefere to keep my old version until i will have a real professional need of a website.
But depending on the needs, maybe wsx5 wouldn't be my first choice anymore.
Many free cms and free online services are much more developed.
CMS: they are too difficult for me.I might be able to learn WordPress if I get help with it.But with a CMS, I am dependent on the web hosting company.With WebsiteX5 I can move my website much easier and faster to another hoster.